Literacy Assessments Pamela Chapin
Items to be Covered Introductions Need and purpose of assessments Assessment types Validity and Reliability Testing items List of reading assessments Overview of assessments Conclusion Sources Discussion
Need and Purpose of Assessments To identify “at risk” students at the beginning of the school year To monitor students’ progress during the year To guide teacher instruction To collect information about students To assess whether instruction is working To provide teachers with information on how instruction can be improved
Assessment Types Formative Assessments: During instructional process Screening assessments Diagnostic assessments Progress monitoring assessments Summative Assessments: End of instruction evaluation Used to assign students’ grades Document what the student knows or doesn’t know
Validity and Reliability Validity-the extent to which a test actually measures the skill or ability in question Content description validity Criterion prediction validity Construct identification validity Reliability-degree to which a test provides a dependable, consistent measurement of some trait or ability Inter-rater Test-retest Internal consistency Alternate forms
Testing Items Comprehension Vocabulary Fluency Phonemic and Phonological Awareness Phonics Language development Concepts of print Oral reading rate Letter knowledge
List of Reading Assessments Assessment of Literacy and Language (ALL) Bader Reading and Language Inventory (BRLI) Basic Reading Inventory (BRI) Comprehensive Reading Inventory (CRI) Development Reading Assessment (DRA) Diagnostic Assessments of Reading (DAR) Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) Early Reading Diagnostic Assessment (ERDA) Expressive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test Gates MacGinitie Reading Tests
Reading Assessments, cont. Gray Oral Reading Tests (GORT) Group Reading Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation (GRADE) Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT) Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening (PALS) Process Assessment of the Learner (PAL) Qualitative Reading Inventory (QRI) Rigby ELL Assessment Kit Elementary Rigby Reads Stanford 10 Full Battery
Overview of Assessments Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (K-3) Screening and Progress Monitoring assessment types Phonemic and Phonological Awareness Phonics Comprehension Oral Reading Rate Development Reading Assessment (K-3) Diagnostic and Progress Monitoring assessment types Phonemic and Phonological Awareness Phonics Comprehension Vocabulary Fluency Language Development Concepts of Print Oral Reading Rate
Overview of Assessments, cont. Comprehensive Reading Inventory (K-3) Diagnostic assessment type Phonemic and Phonological Awareness Phonics Comprehension Vocabulary Fluency Concepts of Print Oral Reading Rate Diagnostic Assessments of Reading (K-3) Diagnostic assessment type Phonemic and Phonological Awareness Phonics Comprehension Vocabulary Fluency Concepts of Print Oral Reading Rate
Overview of Assessments, cont. Early Reading Diagnostic Assessment (K-3) Screening, Diagnostic, and Progress Monitoring assessment types Phonemic and Phonological Awareness Phonics Comprehension Vocabulary Fluency Concepts of Print Oral Reading Rate Rigby Reads (K-3) Diagnostic and Progress Monitoring assessment types Phonemic and Phonological Awareness Phonics Comprehension Vocabulary Fluency Concepts of Print Oral Reading Rate
Conclusion Critical part of instructional cycle Provides information before, during, and after instruction Should be part of reading program Used to gather information about what students are doing as they read “A child mis-educated is a child lost.” --John F. Kennedy
Sources Kansas guide to early reading assessments. (2007, May 31). Kansas state department of education. Retrieved January 25, 2009, from The Access Center. (2005). Early reading assessment: A guiding tool for instruction. In Reading rockets [article]. Retrieved January 25, 2009, from Torgesen, J. K. (2006). A comprehensive K-3 reading assessment plan: Guidance for school leaders. In Florida center for reading research. Retrieved January 25, 2009, from Wren, S. (2004). Descriptions of early reading assessments. In The southwest educational development laboratory. Retrieved January 25, 2009, from