Sheep Production
Why choose sheep? n Sheep can survive where cows can’t n Sheep will eat problem weeds like Leafy Spurge n Profit per acre is the same for sheep and cows, and usually higher for sheep n Easier to get started due to less equipment needed
Breed Categories n Wool Type: white wool only, better quality n Meat Type: any black wool n Dual Purpose: white wool, but better meat than wool types
Sheep Terms n What do you call an adult male? Ram or Buck n What do you call an adult female? Ewe n What do you call a young female? Ewe lamb
Sheep Terms n What do you call a castrated male? Wether n What do you call the act of giving birth? Lambing
Feeding Sheep n Mostly roughages, concentrates for finishing n Average adult eats about 4 lbs..... dry feed per day n Overfat ewes - problems conceiving & delivering
Lambing n Lamb should nurse within minutes, especially if cold weather n Strip teats to remove a mucous plug that seals the teat, lamb may not be strong enough to suck the plug out and not get any milk, if he fails, he will quit trying and die
Lambing n Colostrum: mothers first milk (antibiotics) n Keep ewe and lamb together for first 24 hours or more if the ewe doesn’t want to claim the lamb n Grafting: adopting lambs (triplets) onto other ewes (with singles or dead lambs) –can be difficult to get ewe to claim lamb
Lambing n Many lambs are lost in the first 24 hrs n Twins - first born gets separated while second is being born n Assist difficult lambings n Gently pull front legs n Give ewe antibiotics after n Disinfect lambs navel with iodine
Management n Identification: mark lambs with paint brands, or ear tags or tattoo ears (purebreds) n Docking: cut off tails –tails are a bother –between 1st and 2nd vertebrae of tail –Elastrator: rubber band cuts off circulation –Hot Iron: electric, heated knife stops bleeding
Management n Dock & Castrate before 6 weeks old n Wean at 3-4 months n Culling: choosing animals not to keep for breeding purposes
Management n Aging Sheep: less than 1 yr.. = milk teeth –Yearling have 2 permanent incisors –2 year olds have 4 permanent incisors –3 year olds have 6 permanent incisors –4 year olds have 8 permanent incisors or a full mouth –Old sheep have a broken mouth or spreader