Bullying Ms. Martello St. Francis of Assisi
Have you ever felt like this? Have you ever made someone feel like this? Do you know someone who has felt like this?
Define the problem What is a bully? Bullying Defined Worksheet1 What does bullying look like? What does bullying sound like?
Create one collaborative T Chart with your table members about what bullying looks and sounds like. Bullying sounds like…Bullying looks like…
Gather Evidence Have you ever been bullied? OR Have you bullied someone? Bullying Statistics Worksheet2
Determine the causes Why do kids bully?Worksheet3 Why do children bully other children? Why do children get bullied?
Create one collaborative Venn Diagram comparing why children bully and why children are bullied. Why children bullyWhy children are bullied Why is bullying a problem?
Copyright The following websites are included in this PPT to assist students in researching about bullying. What is a bully? Bullying Defined Bullying Statistics Why do kids bully?