Chinese Transportation How Chinese Transportation changed over the years By: Ben Gerchick
A Journey into Transportation BBoats skim across the Grand Canal. Chinese Subways move underground. Cars and levitation trains bolt across the Sutong Bridge. Transportation means a lot to the Chinese.
Inventions HELP Transport Some of the inventions in China changed transportation A LOT. Compasses helped people find direction. If they were lost, they could look at the compass and see if they were going North, South, East, or West. Boat Rudders accurately controlled the direction of the ship. It was much easier to use than a steering oar. Inventions changed Transportation a lot!
Trade There is a connection between transport and trade. People travel long distances to trade. It must be very important because some people have to travel 4000 miles from Rome. They travel this long to trade gems, gold and silver for silk. It takes months to finally arrive at China. There definitely is a connection between Transportation and Trade.
People Helping Transportation Just like inventions, people made transportation larger. This is because they are the ones who made the inventions that helped people transport in an easier way. If people keep on making inventions that can help transportation, it will be HUGE.
Transportation Can Evolve Transportation is important to the Chinese and they do and make things to make it larger. It will keep on growing