Caroline Auwarter
Risk factors Poor diet High Blood Pressure High Cholesterol Diabetes Poor Diet Obesity Physical Inactivity Source:
Prevention Exercise! Focus on a healthy diet Maintain a healthy weight
Choosemyplate Purpose: Track what you eat Receive detailed analysis of foods you need to consume more or less of Discover nutritional benefits from what you eat
Choosemyplate Use: Track your progress Find out what you need to add/eliminate from your diet Cost: free! Source:
Cardio equipment: Treadmill Exercise machine with a continuous moving belt. Used for walking, jogging, and running.
Treadmill Available for purchase: Online Local sports equipment store ProForm ZT4 Treadmill Cost: $
Cardio equipment: Elliptical Non-impact, stationary machine used to stimulate walking, jogging, or stair climbing. Less chance of injury.
Ellipitcal Available for purchase: Online Local sports equipment store Schwinn 430 Elliptical Machine Cost: $
Cardio equipment: Bicycle Provide a non- impact aerobic exercise. Used just like a normal bike- seat, pedals, and handles.
Bicycle Available for purchase: Online Local sports equipment store. Schwinn 170 Upright Bike Cost: $
Cardio equipment: Rower Aerobic exercising with the mechanism of rowing a boat. Stationary sliding seat, foot pedals, and an oar like handle bar.
Rower Available for purchase: Online Local sports equipment store Profrom 550R Rower Cost: $
Goals for Prevention Maintain a healthy, balanced diet. Consume fruits and vegetables Reduce foods with high saturated fats and high sugar Stay physical active Increase cardiovascular exercise
Cardiovascular fitness and Heart Disease Improve cardiac functioning, maintain and help with weight loss TreadmillEllipticalRowerBicycle