W.P. Internal data (S.Pires & E. Zucca) 22/03/121Euclid OU-LE3-SWG joint kick-off Meeting.


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Presentation transcript:

W.P. Internal data (S.Pires & E. Zucca) 22/03/121Euclid OU-LE3-SWG joint kick-off Meeting

Internal data Implementation (8 members) Sandrine Pires (CEA, France, lead) Micol Bolzonella (OA BOL, Italy) Peder Nordberg (ROE, UK) Fabio Fontanot (OA TRIEST, Italy) Lucia Pozzetti (OA BOL, Italy) Gabriella de Lucia (OA TRIEST, Italy) Filipe Abdalla (UCL, UK) Elena Zucca (OA BOL, Italy) Internal data Validation (10 members) Elena Zucca (OA BOL, Italy, lead) Micol Bolzonella (OA BOL, Italy) Peder Nordberg (ROE, UK) Fabio Fontanot (OA TRIEST, Italy) Lucia Pozzetti (OA BOL, Italy) Gabriella de Lucia (OA TRIEST, Italy) Olga Cucciati (OA TRIEST, Italy) Sandro Bardelli (OA BOL, Italy) Daniela Vergani (IAS-BOL, Italy) Sandrine Pires (CEA, France) 22/03/12 2 Euclid OU-LE3-SWG joint kick-off Meeting Internal data Implementation (8 members) Sandrine Pires (CEA, France, lead) Micol Bolzonella (OA BOL, Italy) Peder Nordberg (ROE, UK) Fabio Fontanot (OA TRIEST, Italy) Lucia Pozzetti (OA BOL, Italy) Gabriella de Lucia (OA TRIEST, Italy) Filipe Abdalla (UCL, UK) Elena Zucca (OA BOL, Italy) Internal data Validation (10 members) Elena Zucca (OA BOL, Italy, lead) Micol Bolzonella (OA BOL, Italy) Peder Nordberg (ROE, UK) Fabio Fontanot (OA TRIEST, Italy) Lucia Pozzetti (OA BOL, Italy) Gabriella de Lucia (OA TRIEST, Italy) Olga Cucciati (OA TRIEST, Italy) Sandro Bardelli (OA BOL, Italy) Daniela Vergani (IAS-BOL, Italy) Sandrine Pires (CEA, France)

Algorithms for the computation of selection functions in the photometric galaxy surveys Algorithms for the computation of selection functions in the spectroscopic galaxy surveys Algorithms for the computation of the luminosity function in different bands and the stellar mass function 22/03/12Euclid OU-LE3-SWG joint kick-off Meeting3

22/03/12Euclid OU-LE3-SWG joint kick-off Meeting4 INTERNAL DATA - IMPLEMENTATION (PP) (NP) (PP) (NP) (PP)

22/03/12Euclid OU-LE3-SWG joint kick-off Meeting5 INTERNAL DATA - VALIDATION (NP) (PP) (NP) (PP) (NP) (PP) (NP)

Definition, implementation and validation of the algorithms to compute Luminosity and Stellar Mass Functions for : Deep and wide Euclid photometric galaxy survey Deep and wide Euclid spectroscopic galaxy survey Definition, implementation and validation of the algorithms to compute selection functions for : Deep and wide Euclid photometric galaxy survey Deep and wide Euclid spectroscopic galaxy survey Questions: Are we also in charge of angular selection functions ? Are we in charge of selection functions for external (DES, PanStar) photometric galaxy survey ? It is not done by OU-EXT or WP external data? Are we in charge of selection functions for others catalogues such as stars, clusters… ? Or is it done by the cluster of galaxies WP… 22/03/12Euclid OU-LE3-SWG joint kick-off Meeting6

Do we have enough man power in the WP? More people in the validation part than in the implementation part. Small number of persons involved in the WP Among those, postdocs cannot make long term commitments. How many FTE are needed ? (WPBD = 4.2 FTE ?) Do we have enough expert to complete all the tasks __ 22/03/12Euclid OU-LE3-SWG joint kick-off Meeting7

22/03/12Euclid OU-LE3-SWG joint kick-off Meeting8

Requirements on the algorithms from SWG From Galaxy clustering SWG, Weak Lensing SWG, Galaxy evolution SWG Requirements on the algorithms from OULE3 WPs ? From Galaxy Clustering WP, Clusters of galaxies WP, Weak Lensing WP, Time domain WP 22/03/12Euclid OU-LE3-SWG joint kick-off Meeting9

Who is in charge of computing luminosities and stellar masses, and other quantities we need (e.g. galaxy types, k-corrections…) ? Photometric survey: OU-PHZ Spectroscopic survey: OU-SPE Who is in charge of generating the mock catalogues with these derived quantities to develop and test the algorithms ? OU-SIM? OU-PHZ? OU-SPE? 22/03/12Euclid OU-LE3-SWG joint kick-off Meeting10 Need of coordination

Inventory of existing codes: For LFs and SMFs : Public: M. Bolzonella Not (yet) public: ALF (O. Ilbert, E. Zucca, L. Tresse) Not public: L. Pozzetti Angular Selection Functions : Public: Mangle (M. Swanson) Test the validity of current implementations Agree with WP constraints or requirements Will be sufficiently accurate for a survey like Euclid 22/03/12Euclid OU-LE3-SWG joint kick-off Meeting11