11/11 Korea: Happy Pepero Day Photo credit: Photo credit: Canada: Remembrance Day
Today Start Tasks 3 & 4 Step 1: Job interviews
What employers like to see Which of these do you have?
Applying for a job Consider these questions: 1. What classes did you excel in? 2. What papers, reports, or presentations earned you your highest grades? 3. What computer skills have you mastered?
Applying for a job Consider these questions: 4. What technical skills (other than computer skills) have you acquired? 5. What jobs have you had? 6. Have you ever been promoted or chosen for special duty or tasks?
Applying for a job Consider these questions: 7. Do you work well with people? 8. Can you organize complicated tasks or identify and solve problems quickly? 9. Have you had experiences/responsibilities managing money? 10. Have you won any awards or scholarships or received a raise, bonus, commendation, and/or promotion at work?
Interview Questions With your group, write down the 5 most common interview questions.
Common Interview Questions - Why did you apply for this job? - What was the happiest time of your life? - What have you done to prepare for working in this company? - How much do you expect to be paid? - Have you had any problems or failures in the past? How did you overcome them? - What are your strengths? Weaknesses?
Common Interview Questions
Task 3 & 4: The project You will be part of an advertising team. Your team will be competing with another team to win a project.
Task 3 & 4: Possibilities Attracting foreign investment to Daegu - Your team will be randomly assigned to one of these projects. Attracting foreign students to KAC Photo credit: Photo credit:
Task 3 & 4: The project You will work in a team of 4. - Each person will have a different role in the team. Final goal: 1. Prepare and give a proposal presentation. 2. Create a video to support your proposal.
Task 3 & 4 – Step 1: Interview There are 3 possible positions. - You will interview for 2 of them. Positions: - Project Manager - Advertising Director - Researcher
Task 3 & 4 – Step 1: Interview To prepare: - Read the job descriptions on the website. - Choose which 2 are you are most interested in applying to. - me as soon as you decide. (Deadline: tomorrow 5:00 p.m.)
Task 3 & 4 – Step 1: Interview To prepare: - Create a profile for yourself. Notes: 1. You have graduated from KAC. 2. You have been working for the past 5 years. - Decide on necessary details for your profile. - See the Profile Link on the course website.
Task 3 & 4 – Step 1: Interview To prepare: On Thursday, you will have 2 interviews. One for each job. - Make sure you know your profile!
Task 3 & 4 – Step 1: Interview To prepare: Check the course website for interview language information.
Important NOTE: This is NOT a business marketing class; it is a communications class. As such, the focus here is on the process of team work (bringing all the different elements of the project together), applying what we have learned, and your demonstration of communicative skills. You will not be expected to produce something worthy of a 4 th year business major.