“100 down 900 to go!” An approach to patient evaluation Anna Middlemiss, Public Health Consultant Wakefield Council Gaynor Endeacott, Project Manager Healthwatch Wakefield
“ True genius resides in the capacity of the evaluation of uncertain, hazardous and conflicting information.” Winston Churchill
Why integrate services? My care is planned with people who work together to understand me and my carer (s) put me in control, co-ordinate and deliver services to achieve my best outcomes.” Integrated Care and Support collaboration
Weaknesses when using patients in evaluations Unrepresentative of patient population Literacy and language issues “Come to” not “go to” model Power Unsystematic
The Wakefield Model Peer to peer Older people viewed as assets in the system Representative sample Scale – 1000 patients
Measuring the patient experience Gaynor Endeacott
The Process Face to face interview in patients home Using specially trained Healthwatch volunteers Structured questions Piloted on 20 people Just over 100 completed so far
Challenges Volunteers Recruitment, training and support Interpreting patient data Comments received and how these are handled