AGENDA Indonesian Capital Market Structure Account Structure Operational Highlight About KSEIInvestor Area Corporate action type General process of mandatory corporate action Distribution of corporate action process Distribution of cash payment Interest payment Tax payment Mandatory convertion process Right distribution Right exercise Corporate Action
SHAREHOLDER Authorized capital: Rp 60 Milyar Paid-in capital: Rp 30 Milyar
OPERATIONAL HIGHLIGHT as of June 18, 2009 InstrumentsParticipants
INVESTOR AREA This facility enable Securities Company and Custodian Bank to grant their client an access to inquiry the balance position and its movement of Securities or other portfolio record owned in Sub Securities Account in KSEI. Description To provide additional information required by investor as well as transparency in Indonesia capital market industry. To provide investor consolidated portfolio reports spread out in several Securities Company and Custodian Bank. Benefits Single Investor ID. Monitoring functionality for the clients to inquiry balance position and its movement. Features INVESTOR AREA Investor Management Inquiry Balance Movement Broker/ Custodian Bank Investor approval
CORPORATE ACTION TYPE Mandatory corporate action Distribution type Cash Interest payment Cash dividend Mix dividend Non Cash Stock dividend Right/warrant distribution Capitalization type Stock split Reverse split Merger & acquisition Voluntary corporate action Cash Exercise right/warrant Securities conversion Non Cash Proxy voting
GENERAL PROCESS OF MANDATORY CORPORATE ACTION Set up ca parameter Dates Instrument: exercise & proceed Ratio: exercise & proceed Announcement date Record dateEffective date Credit entitlement of CA Announcement Report Member Entitlement Report (RD+1) Invitation Report (RD+1) Reminder Date
DISTRIBUTION OF CORPORATE ACTION PROCESS KDPW C-BEST Back-end system member 1 Own Deps a/c Client a/c 001 Client a/c 002 Client a/c 003 Client a/c 004 member 2 Own Deps a/c Client a/c A Issuer’s account ISSUER Payment Bank (cash proceed) Registrar (securities proceed) Proceeds
Other bank – not a payment bank DISTRIBUTION OF CASH PAYMENT KDPW C-BEST Back-end system Participant 1 Own Deps a/c Client a/c 001 Client a/c 002 Client a/c 003 Client a/c 004 Participant 2 Own Deps a/c Client a/c A Nostro account Payment Bank (cash proceed) Payord message Wire Transfer Instruction created by participant Nostro account Participant 1 Participant 2 Own Deps a/c Client a/c 001 Client a/c 002 Client a/c 003 Client a/c 004 Client a/c A RTGS in n central bank
INTEREST PAYMENT KSEI generate tax voucher KSEI generate and distribute Interest Payment Report to the Issuer P+5 Automatic process: KSEI distribute net entitlement to the bonds sub account holder Having created wire transfer instruction, participant can withdraw the proceed and distribute it to their client. P: Payment Date Gross entitlement amount of cash deposited by the issuer in KSEI account into Payment Bank P-1 KSEI send Issuer Overview Report to the Issuer. The report contains of: Bonds record balance Bonds holding period Gross amount Taxes amount Net entitlement P-3 Create record balance list of entitled sub account based on bonds holding period. Calculate entitlement: gross amount, tax amount, net amount. Generate Issuer Overview Report and Member Entitlement Report P-4: Record date KSEI send early confirmation in gross amount to the issuer P-10
TAX PAYMENT KSEI submit acknowledgement tax letters to the issuer as the issuer’s report to tax officer TP+2 KSEI issues acknowledgement tax letters and submit them with tax amount to the tax officer TP: Tax Payment Date (date 10 next month after interest payment distribution)
MANDATORY CONVERTION PROCESS Stock split: ca activities that increase of outstanding shares of stocks without any changes in the aggregate market values pre split securities = post split securities. Reverse stock split: ca activities that decrease of outstanding shares of stocks without any changes in the aggregate market values pre split securities = post split securities. Merger: ca activities that combine 2 or more securities to form 1 security (combination of assets and liabilities of 2 or more company to for 1 company) pre split securities ≠ post split securities. Corporate action activities utilize this process:Record date = effective date - 1
MANDATORY CONVERTION PROCESS EiM process: Debit pre split securities in all entitled accounts Credit post split securities in all entitled accounts Effective Date EoD Process Create record balance Calculate the entitlement Automatic deposit if pre split securities ≠ post split securities. Record date = Effective date – 1 Participant receives announcement report from KSEI Announcement Date EoD : End of day process (18.00 – 20.00) EiM: Early in the morning process (00.00 – 02.00)
RIGHT DISTRIBUTION Redemption of Right N+5 up to N+30N+0 The Issuer will issue an instruction letter to KSEI for the distribution of Right The Registrar credits total Right to KSEI’s account (via C-BEST) KSEI distributes Right to the entitled account holders KSEI’s documents to the Issuer/Share Registrar Shareholder list entitled to the Right Issue and the calculation of Right entitlement RD+1 Determination of entitled account holders for the Right based on the shareholding in the sub-accounts KSEI’s documents to the Issuer/Share Registrar Confirmation of the total shares registered at KSEI The calculation of Right entitlement Deposit instruction of the Right to KSEI’s account Request letter to the Issuer to provide a distribution instruction letter of Right RD Period of trading and right exercise
RIGHT EXERCISE Announcement Date Start Exercise Period Instruction Dateline Voluntary CA Instruction x days* * The Rights/Warrants and cash positions will be debited automatically as much as the exercise request amount
RIGHT EXERCISE Issuer/Share Registrar 1. Right exercise instruction Balance of right and funds must be sufficient Participant KSEI C-BEST 2. Automatic Movement Rights: Db Account holder / sub account Cr KSEI Account Fund: Db Account holder / sub account Cr KSEI Account 3. Daily report to Issuer / Share Registrar Right exercise instruction list, Shares deposit instruction Payment of rights exercise (using RTGS system in Central Bank) 4. Deposit total proceed shares in KSEI Account As a result of exercising Rights (process in 1 working day after receiving instruction from KSEI) 5. Automatic Movement Proceed Shares Db KSEI Account Cr Account holder / sub account
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