Museums in Central and Eastern Europe are under great pressure and seek the ways to improve their performances. This workshop led by eCastex Consortium and the European Museum Forum offers an opportunity for participants from the region to investigate the possibilities, theoretical and practical alike, of sharing (renting, loaning) exhibitions, exhibits or specimens. EXTRA the European database for scientific travelling exhibitions will also be introduced ( The Workshop will focus on the crucial (also technical) areas of co-operation in exhibiting and exhibitions. New and/or internationally recognised exhibitions in your museum are a good way of involving the public. Through such new products there is an opportunity to increase local confidence and interest in museums and their activities. The Workshop will generate a synthetic report on museums and travelling exhibitions in the region, with some statistical information, and a STEEP analysis. Compilation of this material is already under way. Countries involved in this survey are the members of the Council of Europe. Basic documents for the discussion will include recent descriptions of changes in various countries of the region, prepared by the similar 2005 EMF Workshop. The Workshop is addressed primarily to scientific museums (of any kind) and science centres. The Workshop will use the same method which has so far proved so fruitful for previous workshops: to create a genuine European environment where museum professionals from a variety of museums and from different countries can meet and discuss freely under the guidance of discussion leaders experienced in this type of meeting. The Conclusions will take the form of a document signed by all participants and will be presented to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe’s Sub- Committee on Cultural Heritage, and will be published on the Council’s Internet site, circulated in the European museum community and in the Council of Europe circles. The Conclusions of former EMF Workshops are also available on: index.htm The Workshop is limited to 30 persons and is open mainly to professionals already working in the museum field. Participants are selected on the basis of their CV and of a statement of interest. Provisional Programme Sunday: Arrival (also possible on Saturday) Introduction to the Subject Monday: Introduction of eCastex, EXTRA Discussion groups on various aspects of sharing exhibitions, and the Eastern European situation. Report on the group work, followed by discussion. Tuesday Discussion groups on various aspects of sharing exhibitions, and the Eastern European situation. Compiling of the final document Departure. The working language is English. The venue: all the sessions will be held in the European Youth Centre run by the Council of Europe. Terms of Participation: participation in the Workshop is free. Meals, accommodation and documentation are included. The eCASTEX project and the Workshop is supported by the European Commission (SAS6, ) _______________________________________ Applications If you are interested in participating in the Workshop please send your personal details (institution, postal address, telephone, fax and ), relevant CV (maximum two pages) and an accompanying letter explaining your reasons for wishing to attend the meeting to: Dr. Tamás Vásárhelyi Hungarian Natural History Museum 1088 Budapest, Baross u. 13., Hungary Application deadline: 15 August 2008 eCastex Regional Workshop European Museum Forum Workshop Raising I ncomes, Bridging Museums through Sharing Exhibitions A Workshop for Central and Eastern European Museums organised by the eCastex Consortium and the Hungarian Natural History Museum in cooperation with the European Museum Forum Budapest, Hungary September, 2008