C OPYRIGHT C HALLENGES IN R ESEARCH Session II Copyright Issues and Legislation in the Artworks 10/02/16 Atelier Multimédia, EUI 1
Use of images - Photographs of archival documents and manuscripts - Photographs of works of art in Museums collections - Photographs of heritage buildings, archaeological sites, etc. - Images of public domain vs images of copyrighted objects - Private use vs publication - Publication for research purposes vs commercial publications - Ownership vs copyright // DRM // Metadata (standardisation) - Italian case: changes after the Decreto Franceschini 2 Mapping the Issues SESSION II
Photographs of Artworks US-Getty ght.html ght.html Open Content Images Permissions and Requests for Images and Other Site Content 3 Andrea Mantegna ( ), Getty Museum, LA SESSION II
4 resources Photographs of Artworks US-Met
Photographs of Artworks UK art-are-fair-use/ 5 SESSION II
Photographs of Artworks IT 6 MiBAC/Contenuti/Ministero/LegislaturaCorrente/Dario- Franceschini/Comunicati/visualizza_asset.html_ html
7 Photographs of Artworks IT
Photographs of Heritage and Library Collections in Italy in-italia-la-situazione-attuale/#more-1342
Tracking Properties of Artworks From copyright law to property and cultural heritage laws Who owns artworks? What kind of ownership? Background research on properties of artworks Practical applications: e.g. creation of Museum catalogues, art dealers practice 9
International Art and Heritage Law: Overview of Legislation me.aspx me.aspx ni-di-recupero ni-di-recupero URL_ID=13039&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION =201.html URL_ID=13039&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION =201.html 10
Thank you for your attention and your interest 11 Marta Caroscio, Doctor in Medieval Archaeology and History, IT Ministry of Culture Argyri Panezi, Ph.D. Candidate, EUI Department of Law