U SE W IKI S PACES 2/27/2016 Dr. Carole Redline
T ODAY ’ S A GENDA & G OALS Explore some ideas for Wikis together Brainstorm practical ideas for ourselves Create our own wiki (guided step by step tour for those who want this approach) Plan for the wikis use and timeline implementation 2/27/2016 Dr. Carole Redline
S OME OF MY WIKIS Internet Safety Topics in Educational Technology 4StudentSharing Blogaboutbooks LibrariansALMA St. John the Evangelist SP Nextstepsinusingtechnology MITAC aobweb20 Web 2.0 Guru Epilepsy and Me 2/27/2016 Dr. Carole Redline
W HEN YOU FIRST LOGIN 2/27/2016 Dr. Carole Redline
F ROM WEBSITE ….. SCROLL DOWN 2/27/2016 Dr. Carole Redline
M ORE OPTIONS FOR E DUCATORS 2/27/2016 Dr. Carole Redline
C OOL S TUFF FOR E DUCATORS 2/27/2016 Dr. Carole Redline Sign up below or choose sign in if you already have an account
L ET ’ S P RACTICE AND B RAIN S TORM 2/27/2016 Dr. Carole Redline
C OMMON E RROR IN N AMING YOUR WIKI 2/27/2016 Dr. Carole Redline
2/27/2016 Dr. Carole Redline
N OW C REATE Go to the homepage Biggest mistake : Forgot to click EDIT Don’t forget to SAVE All pages are editable by anyone Create a new page for each new subject/idea The other IMPORTANT Idea is to explore Manage Wiki (Top Left Side) Lots of options 2/27/2016 Dr. Carole Redline
2/27/2016 Dr. Carole Redline
S TART SIMPLE 2/27/2016 Dr. Carole Redline
2/27/2016 Dr. Carole Redline
2/27/2016 Dr. Carole Redline
L OTS OF HELP 2/27/2016 Dr. Carole Redline
2/27/2016 Dr. Carole Redline
2/27/2016 Dr. Carole Redline
L OGIN & C REATE 2/27/2016 Dr. Carole Redline
S KYPE OR Y OU T UBE OR OTHER W EB APPS 2/27/2016 Dr. Carole Redline
H OT L INK R EFERENCES AND HELP Wiki links Intro video Customize Files, video and pictures Widgets Permissions Invitation to join Teachers Help page Examples of Educational Wikis 2/27/2016 Dr. Carole Redline