Hot Under the Collar (part III) Phase Diagrams


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Presentation transcript:

Hot Under the Collar (part III) Phase Diagrams Rocks at last!!!!

Gibbs Phase Rule F = C - P + 2 F = the number of degrees of freedom C = the number of components P = number of phases

Gibbs Phase Rule Divarient Field Point C F = C - P + 2 Only one phase Only one component (e.g. H2O exists as ice, water and steam but is always present as H2O) Therefore two degrees of freedom Divarient Field

Gibbs Phase Rule Univarient Line Point B F = C - P + 2 Two phases Only one component (e.g. H2O exists as ice, water and steam but is always present as H2O) Therefore one degree of freedom Univarient Line

Gibbs Phase Rule Invarient Point Point A F = C - P + 2 Three phases Only one component (e.g. H2O exists as ice, water and steam but is always present as H2O) Therefore no degrees of freedom Invarient Point

Two component phase diagrams – mixtures between two endmembers Binary Phase Diagrams Two component phase diagrams – mixtures between two endmembers

Binary Phase Diagrams Eutectic Liquidus Solidus

Equilibrium BALANCE MgO + SiO2 MgSiO3 periclase quartz enstatite

Binary Phase Diagrams

Binary Phase Diagrams

Binary Phase Diagrams

Binary Phase Diagrams

Lever Rule F = L2/L1 F is the fraction of melt remaining

Lever Rule F = L3/L1 F is the fraction of crystals of B L3

Lever Rule F = L2/L1 F is the fraction of crystals of B generated at the eutectic

Lever Rule F = L2/L1 F is the fraction total fraction of B in the whole rock

Disequilibrium Reactions are not balanced Rapid cooling Separation of crystals by sinking or flotation (crystal differentiation) “Protection” of crystals by the formation of rims or zoning.

At Disequilibrium

At Disequilibrium

At Disequilibrium

At Disequilibrium

Solid Solutions

Solid Solutions

Solid Solutions

Lever Rule F = L2/L1 F is the fraction of liquid left.

Under Disequilibrium

Under Disequilibrium

Under Disequilibrium

Why phase diagrams are the way they are!!!! Next Time Why phase diagrams are the way they are!!!!