THE GOSPEL according to MARK
My name is MARK Rome
My name is MARK
My name is MARK
POPE BENEDICT XVI at WORLD YOUTH DAY 2005 “Help people to discover the true star which points out the way to us: Jesus Christ! Let us seek to know Him better and better, so as to be able to guide others to Him with conviction. This is why the love for Sacred Scripture [the Bible] is so important.”
Readings from the Holy Gospel according to Mark. Glory to You, Lord. “This is the Good News about Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” “The right time has come.” “Follow Me.” “Listen, then, if you have ears!” “Don’t be afraid, only believe.” “This is My own dear Son - listen to Him!” “I do have faith, but not enough. Help me to have more!” “Take it, this is My body.” “This is My blood which is poured out for many.” “This Man was really the Son of God!”
BIDDING PRAYERS Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.