Unit 3 - Vocab Review
impede to delay or slow; get in the way
advocate to speak or write in favor of, support
jurisdiction authority, range or area of authority
inclusive complete coverage; including much
antipathy hatred; strong dislike for something
emancipate to set free from slavery or captivity
preposterous ridiculous; absurd; laughable
idiosyncracy a personal oddity; a quirk
imminent about to happen; likely to occur soon
precarious dangerous, risky, uncertain
distraught troubled, distressed
mesmerize hypnotize, hold spell bound
rancor intense hatred, ill will
-ee one who receives something
Poly- many, multiple
innocuous harmless, not offensive
metamorphisis transformation; great change
conspiracy a secret plot by two or more people
sordid corrupt; morally low
entrepreneur a person who takes a risk with a personal business
meticulous very careful, exact, detailed
recrimination accusation to an accuser
Tempo- Tempor- Time, beat time, speed
anima life, breath, spirit Time, beat
foible a minor flaw in behavior or character
adept highly skilled, expert
verbose using too many words
plight hardship, misfortune, difficulty
travesty mockery, a crude representation
esoteric beyond the understanding of most people, difficult to understand
grotesque distorted, ugly in appearance
notorious having a bad reputation, see negatively
lucid easily understood, clear
presumptuous too bold or over confident
stringent strict, severe, enforced
encompass to include, contain, surround
repugnant repulsive, distasteful, offensive
mort death
log- logue A way of speaking or writing
flamboyant strikingly bold, showy
stint a time of work or service
germane relevant, having to do with the situation at hand
perfunctory done with no interest of care, done as routine
facsimile an exact copy, reproduction
contrite truly sorry for actions, repentant
symmetrical balanced, equal, proportioned
connoisseur an expert in matters of taste or art
eradicate wipe out, get rid of
standardize make alike, uniform
Homogeneous made of similar parts, identical
austere very simple, very plain
masochist a person who enjoys physical pain
exhort urge, plead, beg
ben bene- good, well,
magnanimous noble in spirit, giving
superficially on the surface, not thorough
provacative arousing interest or curiosity
miss mit send, move
arch archy chief, ruler
ten hold, keep