Living “By Faith” Hebrews 11
Great Cloud of Witnesses Heb. 12:1: Cloud—host, multitude. What great cloud of witnesses? Of what do they bear witness? Heb. 11:13. The witnesses recorded in Heb. 11. People who have died having faith in God’s promises.
By Faith—Heb. 11 Able: vs. 3 Enoch: vs. 5 Noah: vs. 7 Abraham and Sarah: vs. 8, 11, 17
By Faith—Heb. 11 Many others: vs. 20ff. Isaac, Jacob, Joseph show faith in future promises: vs. 20-22. Moses: vs. 23-29 Joshua: vs. 30 Vs. 32: All of God’s servants made great sacrifices. Vs. 35ff: the nature of their sacrifices
Lay Aside Every Weight Ch. 12 looks to these examples and says now it is your turn! What will you choose? If we are to follow such examples of faith we must lay aside every weight.
Lay Aside Every Weight Evil companions Immodest clothing Ungodly Activities Anger Pride Doubt Fear
Lay Aside Every Weight We can be like Noah, Abraham, and David But we must be willing to serve God BY FAITH Prov. 3:5: Trust in the Lord A weight is anything that prevents us from doing this. By faith means taking God’s hand allowing Him to carry us where He wills
Conclusion Many people say they have faith. What is your faith like? The people of Heb. 11 were great, not by their own strength, but because they acknowledged God’s way is better What about you?