NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. EVERGREEN ELEMENTARY Weekly News November 9-november 12
MONDAY MENU Breakfast Strawberry Splash Mini Pancakes Mandarin Oranges Lunch Spaghetti w/ Meatballs Cheeseburger/Hamburger Potato Rounds Sweet Garden Peas Applesauce november 9
TUESDAY MENU Breakfast Breakfast Burrito Applesauce Lunch Popcorn Chicken w/ Biscuit Cheese Stuffed Shells w/ Roll Glazed Sweet Potatoes Chopped Kale Pineapple Tidbits november 10
THURSDAY MENU Breakfast Breakfast Pizza Diced Pears Lunch Nachos Grande w/ Tortilla Chips Fish Sticks w/ Roll Seasoned Black Beans Golden Corn Strawberry Cup November 12
FRIDAY MENU Breakfast French Toast Mini Cinnis Strawberry Cup Lunch Pepperoni or Cheese Pizza Slice Corn Dog Mixed Vegetables Fresh Spinach Salad Fruit Cocktail November 12
CONCERT The Second Grade will be performing a Veterans Day Muscial Concert on Tuesday, November 10 th at 9:30 am. novemer 10
HOLIDAY Their will be no school on Wednesday, November 11 th in honor of the Veterans Day Holiday. novemer 11
PICTURE RETAKES Picture Retake Day is Friday, November 13 th. novemer 13