Ch 11 Review Jefferson Era
Biographical Glossary John Marshall Nominated as the Supreme Court Chief Justice by John Adams in 1801, under the Judiciary Act of Involved in many key landmark decisions including: Marbury v Madison, McCullough v Maryland, and Gibbons v Ogden. Decision in the Marbury case led to the growth in power of the judicial branch by incorporating the principle of judicial review. Decisions in the Gibbons and McCullough case helped to grow the strength of the court and federal government. Andrew Jackson Hero of the Battle of New Orleans, which took place after the treaty to end the War of John C. Calhoun Congressman from South Carolina who was a War Hawk, prior to the War of Henry Clay Congressman from Kentucky who was a War Hawk, prior to the War of 1812.
Document Glossary Marbury v. Madison (1803) U.S. Supreme Court case over a judicial appointment by John Adams before he left office. William Marbury took Sec. of State James Madison to court due to his appoint not being delivered. The Court’s opinion stated that they did not have original jurisdiction to rule in the case, it should have been heard by a lower court. Also, Chief Justice John Marshall established the principle of judicial review, reviewing state and national laws, by the court ruling that an article of the Judiciary Act of 1789 was unconstitutional.
Magna Carta 1215 granted rights to noblemen and freemen. Limited power of the king House of Burgesses 1619 The First Representative Body in the colonies; Virginia Mayflower Compact 1620 first system of self- government in America. English Bill of Rights 1689 supported a limited monarchy, gov’t based of laws made by parliament provided a system of shared power Fundamental Orders of Connecticut 1639 the first constitution in the American colonies; extended voting rights to non-church members and limited the powers of the governor, expanded ideas of representative government Articles of Confederation 1781 the nation’s first constitution; lacked the power to tax, regulate trade, or control coinage lack of power to create a national army egislative – makes laws xecutive – enforces the law udicial – interprets the law eligion ssembly ress etition peech U.S. Constitution 1787 AMERICANAMERICAN GOVERNMENTGOVERNMENT
ec. of Ind. rticles of Confed. onstitution Founding Documents Revolution Events exington aratoga orktown Valley Forge Marbury v. Madison=Judicial Review Jamestown -1 st perm. English settlement Mayflower Compact – 1 st system of self- gov’t Declaration of Independence – Freedom from Englsih Rule Constitution –Replaced Article of Confed. Louisiana Purchase – Doubled size of US New England Southern Colonies Middle Colonies US in 1783 Appalachian Mtns Louisiana Purchase Rocky Mtns Mississippi R. Long winters, rocky soil, timber, fishing, shipbuilding, whaling subsistence farming, good soil, warm climate Hot climate, fertile soil, cash crops, plantation system G v. O = McC v. M = DS vs. S =
68. President Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana Territory from France in Louisiana Territory Sold! To the United States for $15 million! Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction Doubled the Size of the US overnight
69. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, became the 3rd President of the United States and purchased the Louisiana territory, doubling the size of the United States. Thomas Jefferson Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction
70. was the 1803 Court decision that gave the Supreme Court the power of judicial review - the right to determine whether a law violates the Constitution. John Marshall’s ruling established judicial review. Yo, dawg! You can’t stop me from becoming a judge! I guess we will decide this on the court! Marbury v. Madison John Marshall 1 st Chief Justice Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction
Impressment 71. British (forcing people to serve in a foreign country’s army or navy) resulted in the Embargo Act, which banned trade with all foreign countries and hurt the U.S. economy. Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction
Andrew Jackson American casualties – 71 British - 2, was the hero of the Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812, and later became the 7 th president of the United States. Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction
Andrew Jackson American casualties – 71 British - 2, was the hero of the Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812, and later became the 7 th president of the United States. Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction
The Star Spangled Banner - Francis Scott Key