Submission Slide 1 doc.: IEEE e September 2009 [Lee, et al] Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [EGTS Subgroup Report for IEEE e] Date Submitted: [September 21, 2009] Source: [ Myung Lee, Gahng-Seop Ahn, Tae Rim Park, Liang Li, Seong-Soon Joo, Betty Zhao, Ghulum Bhatti, Ning Gu, Jie Shen, Wei Hong, Qin Wang, Quan Wang, and Ping Wang ] Address [] Voice:[ ], FAX: [], Re: [IEEE P e] Abstract:[ This document describes the EGTS subgroup report for IEEE e. Currently, EGTS subgroup document comprises contributions from CUNY, ETRI, Samsung, Huawei, MERL, Vinno, SIMIT, Arch Rock, USTB, Shenyang Inst. of Automation] Purpose:[Discussion in e Task Group] Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P
Submission Slide 2 doc.: IEEE e September 2009 [Lee, et al] EGTS Subgroup Report Myung Lee CUNY
Submission Slide 3 doc.: IEEE e September 2009 [Lee, et al] This EGTS subgroup report 1.Refers to doc. 09/0183r2 -EGTS July09 subgroup report –EGTS superframe, channel diversity, GTS information, Group ACK, Beacon scheduling, Time Sync, GTS information, QoS 2. Covers EGTS subgroup activities after July 09 meeting – Asynchronous channel adaptation (09/308r4) – Provision for Power Saving in Beacon-enabled mode (09/0514r1)
Submission Slide 4 doc.: IEEE e September 2009 [Lee, et al] Asymmetric Channel Adaptation -Motivation Densely deployed large scale network in geographically large area –The variance of channel condition is large. –Channel Asymmetry. –Common channel approach is limited –Therefore, multi-channel adaptation is required. Concentration Point Smart Meter
Submission Slide 5 doc.: IEEE e September 2009 [Lee, et al] Multi-channel Active Scan Coordinator New Device Channel Association Response C4C4 C1C1 C2C2 C3C3 C3C3 C2C2 C1C1 C3C3 C2C2 C1C1 C4C4 C3C3 Beacon Request Beacon Association Request For example, C max = 4, Coordinator’s designated channel is C 4, New device’s good channel is C 3. T C4C4 C3C3 C4C4 C4C4 T A device perform active scan for all C max channels twice at worst case.
Submission Slide 6 doc.: IEEE e September 2009 [Lee, et al] Multi-channel Hello A device can send a multi-channel hello message to its one-hop neighbors to inform its designated channel. –The device should send the same hello message on each channel sequentially starting from its designated channel. –Optional: The device can request hello reply by setting a flag in the hello message. Neighbor 1 New Device Channel C4C4 C1C1 C4C4 C3C3 C2C2 Two Neighbor Example: C max = 4, Coordinator’s designated channel is C 4, New device’s good channel is C 3. T C3C3 C2C2 Neighbor 2 Channel C3C3 C3C3 Hello Hello Reply C2C2 C4C4
Submission Slide 7 doc.: IEEE e September 2009 [Lee, et al] CAP Power Saving Provision for EGTS (1) Sli de 7 Data receiving in the inactive period can improve low-power consumption performance FFD can determine superframe consists of an active period and an inactive period with/without a beacon Turned-off beacons with active period Collection stations only send beacon after receiving “scan” request. In other period, the collection stations does not transmit any beacon: Intermittent hearing only in active period Active period consists of only CAP Data frame shall start in active period and end in the beacon interval. If data frame is sensed in CAP, the destination device continues receiving till the frame end BI: Beacon interval Active period Inactive period Beacon: Could be turned off Data frame CAP: Contention access period SD: Superframe duration
Submission Slide 8 doc.: IEEE e September 2009 [Lee, et al] Sli de 8 Collection station and meters construct tree-shaped topology where each device determines superframe with turning off beacon. In the figure below, device M1 is handling both incoming superframe by CS and outgoing superframe by M1 itself in order to conduct successful data relaying in such tree topology. 15.4MAC defines same BI and SD shall be employed in both incoming and outgoing superframe Assuming cluster -tree topology, different BI and SD might be suitable for incoming and outgoing superframe Power Saving Provision for EGTS (2)
Submission Slide 9 doc.: IEEE e September 2009 [Lee, et al] Modifications for power saving Superframe –Suppression of beacons to preserve EGTS superframe structure: combination of BO and the status of PIB macLowEnergySuperframeSupported CAP Period –When the PIB “False” Data transmission should end one IFS before the end of CAP period because CFP follows immediately after CAP in EGTS superframe –When the PIB “True” Data transmission continue but should end before the inactive period ends No CFP shall exist to avoid the interference from CAP
Submission Slide 10 doc.: IEEE e September 2009 [Lee, et al] Summary of changes Modified / New MAC primitives (6) –MCPS-DATA, MLME-GTS, MLME-EGTSinfo, MLME-START, MLME-LINKSTATUSPRT, MLME-Scan-Request New MAC PIB attributes (18) –macMultisuperframeOrder, macConnecDev, macEGTSABT (Allocation Bitmap Table), macEGTSACT (Allocation Counter Table), macChannelDiversityMode,.., macLowEnergySuperframeSupported Modified / New MAC command frame (10) Association request, EGTS handshake, EGTS information request, EGTS information reply, Beacon allocation notification, Beacon conflict notification, Link status report, Asymmetric multi-channel beacon request, Multi-channel hello, Channel probe New fields in Beacon Payload (4) –EGTS superframe descriptor, Beacon bitmap, ChannelHoppingSpecification, Time synchronization specification
Submission Slide 11 doc.: IEEE e September 2009 [Lee, et al] Thank you!