Drama Llamas, Pencil
Playwright: - someone who writes plays/scripts Play: - written by a playwright -a genre of literature -intended for performance Script: -written text of a play -contains dialogue between characters -contains stage directions ANATOMY
Dialogue: -conversation between 2 or more characters Characters: -a person who is responsible for the thoughts and actions within a piece of literature -written in bold with : following name, uses all CAPITALS -also listed underneath the title Characterization: -the development and portrayal of the character through thought, action, dialogue, costuming, and make-up ANATOMY
Act: -a smaller division of a play -can use Roman numerals or numbers (ex.: Hamlet, Act I, scene II) (ex.: Hamlet, Act 1, scene 2) Scene: -a smaller division of an act -uses Roman numerals or numbers (ex.: Hamlet, Act I, scene II) (ex.: Hamlet, Act 1, scene 2) Jump ahead in time. EX. to 5 minutes or 2 hours later, or the next day, or years in the future. Change location. EX. if Scene 1 is in the park, Scene 2 might be at school, Scene 3 at home. Note – always write at the beginning of the scene where and when the scene is set. ANATOMY
What the actors do – STAGE DIRECTIONS What the actors say – DIALOGUE TWO PARTS OF A SCRIPT
Stage Directions: -an instruction in the text of a play -indicates movement, position, or tone of actor -indicates the sound effects, lighting, set design, costumes -written in italics ANATOMY
A stage direction is an INSTRUCTION. It can... Set the scene (tell us where & when we are). A forest, in the middle of the night. Tell the actors to do something: MRS SMITH is jumping up and down. Tell the actor how to say something: JOHN (whispers): Don’t tell anyone. STAGE DIRECTIONS
If person is nervous, they might hesitate or stutter: JOHN: I’m, um, not really, er, you know, s-s-s-sure... what to... um... say... Or if they are really excited or happy, they might shout or call out: JACKIE: YEAHHHHHH!!!! SHOW HOW THEY SPEAK
EXAMPLES You can access these via the student class calendar 1.The Flu Epidemic 2.The Mysterious Glob 3.The Sinister Students
TOO MUCH DRAMA IN THAT LLAMA a script by Jenny Rogers TABATHA……….…….….. Leila Chapman TODD……..………....…………..Jake Scott KIMBERLY………… Annabelle Russo MRS. GREER………......…...Elisha Odom (TABATHA and TODD are sitting outside on a cold winter night in Texas. There is a stir in the air and TABATHA screams) TABATHA:(yelling) Did you hear that!? TODD: Hear what? TABATHA: How did you not hear that noise? It was a loud boom! TODD:It’s probably just the cat getting into the shed again. Stupid cat. TABATHA: (frowning) Stop being so mean about Buster! He’s harmless! 1.Create a fake title to a play you would want to write. 2.Make yourself the playwright. 3.List 4 make-believe characters and cast 4 students in this class to play them. 4.Write out stage directions. 5.Write 5-8 lines of dialogue that would follow. 6.Follow the example exactly. Be looking for capitals, bold, size, format, etc. LEFT SIDE: DRAMA LLAMAS