Helpful Tips for Improving Your Susan Harwood Grant Application
Susan Harwood Solicitation for Grant Applications (SGA) Read the entire Susan Harwood SGA Know what is required Address a single topic Review and understand the evaluation criteria
Work Plan Should be organized and logical Cover key aspects: Personnel Materials Resources Include realistic timelines
Target Your Audience Target one or more of OSHA’s emphasis populations Serve multiple employers and employees Only individuals covered by the OSH Act are eligible to receive grant-funded services Develop the program at the audience’s level
Recruiting Is the recruiting plan feasible? Can you show previous experience working with the target training audience? Do you have support from intended audience? Describe your advertising plan Describe your Public Relations plan
Course Content & Materials Course should address all hazards (e.g., Construction Industry Focus Four hazards) How will course content be developed? Who will be involved? Qualifications of involved personnel? Plan for OSHA approval?
Train-The-Trainer Plans Include trainer and trainee plan Describe the content of both types of training Provide a reporting plan for conducting and documenting second-tier training Be realistic regarding projections
Tell Us How? Quarterly training projections Length of training sessions Training locations Evaluations
Budget Include detailed project budget backup document; break out program and administrative costs Detailed budget should match the amounts on the SF 424A Form 25% cap on administrative costs Maximum open and free competition for all procurements/contracts
Qualifications Organization Experience Performance Staff Professional Academic Specialized experience
General Guidance Be specific, be concise “Copy and Paste” applications for multiple topics are not recommended Use the application document checklist Avoid last minute applications Proofread before submitting
For Further Information Contact: Kimberly Mason, Program Analyst Occupational Safety and Health Administration Office of Training and Educational Programs (This is not a toll-free number)