P AIGE A MBER L ANDRY Senior Exit Clio Area Schools 2012
I NTRODUCTION Hi my name is Paige Amber Landry. I am eighteen years old and at the moment I work at McDonalds on Vienna rd. in Clio, MI. I do have a boyfriend that I’ve been with for over two years, so I am a very committed person. The career pathway I would like to obtain would be nursing. I chose this career because it is a growing occupation and my mother is a M.A. for Dr. Sankaran.
W HO A M I? This year I decided to challenge myself by taking AP classes, I am in AP Calculus and AP Lit and Composition. All throughout Elementary and Middle School I received honors, I also received an MVP award for Volleyball. In 2008 I received a MEAP award. On the ACT I received an over all score of 21. I chose nursing because I am very good with people and I enjoy helping others, it is a growing business and a good opportunity.
W HERE A M I G OING ? I visited Baker College and I made up my mind that this is the college I’d like to go to. I’m planning on going for two years to receive my associates degree, that way I can start working as soon as possible. Then I will continue for two more years to receive my Bachelors degree. After I have completed those four years at Baker I will go to University of Michigan to train to become a nurse anesthetist.
W HERE A M I G OING ? ( CONTINUED ) Short Term Goals By June 2012 I will be working full time at McDonalds. I will accomplish this by talking to my managers and changing my schedule. By Fall 2012 I would like to be attending Baker for a Bachelor's degree to be a Registered Nurse. I will obtain this by applying and checking on classes for this profession.
W HERE A M I G OING ? ( CONTINUED ) Long Term Goals By January 2015 I am going to be working in a hospital as a Registered Nurse. I will obtain this by studying hard in college and receiving my associates degree. By September 2016 I will be graduated from college with a Bachelors degree for nursing. I will obtain this by trying my hardest in school and focusing on my career.
H OW W ILL I G ET T HERE ? I received a $5,400 Pell Grant, my college also gave me a grant. I have signed up for scholarships hoping to pay less than $1,000 for college. My grandparents are going to be helping me out as much as they can but I’m pretty much on my own for now. Possibly student loans but only as a last minute resort.
C ONCLUSION !~ Throughout the next four to six years I will be studying hard to achieve my goals and putting a lot of time into what I’m going to be doing for the rest of my life. I’m super excited and ready to start my career.