Using Oral Recordings to Promote Focused Speaking and Reflective Listening Patricia N. Early Georgia State University
Topics du jour 1. What is focused speaking and reflective listening? 2. How do students respond to digital recording tasks? 3. What resources are available for recording? 4. Sample activities 5. Questions and discussion
The environment Large Urban University 3000 language students each year 15 different languages 150 different instructors Many different approaches to oral competency
The Lab Coordinator’s Casual Observations… Students who have regular recording assignments Come to the lab frequently and use a variety of services Spend more time in the lab Speak more comfortably in the L2 with their classmates Spend more time listening and reflecting to their own L2 speech
Whereas… Students in languages that do not require regular recordings Make less frequent use of facilities and services Rarely speak in the L2 with their classmates Speaking and reflective listening opportunities limited to class time
Whereas… Students in languages that do not require regular recordings Make less frequent use of facilities and services Rarely speak in the L2 with their classmates Speaking and reflective listening opportunities limited to class time
Focused Speaking The ability to maintain focus on the meaning and context of the oral production The purposeful inclusion of key words and phrases Deliberate attention to what is being said
Reflective Listening The process of listening to one’s own oral production and evaluating it How is my pronunciation? Did I use the words I wanted to use? What other words could I have included? Can I do this better?
Observations lead to questions… How many times do students who make recordings repeat their recordings? How do they prepare to make recordings? What are their personal oral proficiency goals? How do they evaluate their recordings?
How many times do students who make recordings repeat their recordings? “I repeat my recordings several times before I am satisfied.” 81% One time – 13% 2 to 4 times – 61% 5+ times – 25% “I’m usually satisfied with my final recording.” 86%
How do they prepare to make recordings? “I review the vocabulary and structures before recording, but speak without a script.” 45% “Before recording, I write out what I want to say as a script.” 32% “I make a list of vocabulary I want to record in my recording.” 26% “I plan what I will say in my recordings in advance.” 48% “I rehearse what I’m going to record.” 61%
What are their personal oral proficiency goals? “I try to sound natural on my recordings” 86% I try to imitate a native speaker when I’m recording.” 83% “It’s important to be honest in what I say in my recordings.” 63% I try to use new words and phrases in my recordings.” 50% “I like to show my sense of humor through my recordings.” 30%
“When listening to and evaluating my recordings, I focus most on…” Pronunciation58%6%9%3% 18% Grammar usage10%43%23%10%0%13%0% Vocabulary usage3%20%33%3%20%13%7% Content14%10%7%45%10%3%10% Meaning10% 16%19%35%10%0% Creativity9%3%15%21%12%18%24% Authenticity13%16% 0%13%26%
How do they feel about recording assignments? “Knowing I can send my best recording to my teacher makes me feel more confident.” 71% “When recording my practice, I feel as though I’m directly in control of my success.” 65% “I feel that my recorded answers are more complete and correct than answers in class.” 53%
Do they think the recordings have a positive effect on their L2 speaking ability? “The recording assignments are effective learning tools.” 81% “Because I know I can pick the best recording, I experiment more with the language.” 52% “I feel more comfortable speaking in class because of the recording practice.” 50% “I am more comfortable speaking in class than students who didn’t do recordings.” 36%
Is this important to them? SLRW Most Important62%28%7%8% 2 nd 21%50%17%9% 3rd9%10%56%21% 4th7%11%20%65%
Topics du jour 1. What is focused speaking and reflective listening? 2. How do students respond to digital recording tasks? 3. What resources are available for recording? 4. Sample activities 5. Questions and discussion
Digital Recording Resources Hardware Portable mp3 players with recorders, digital recorders Software Executable programs that require installation, such as Freecorder, Audacity, DL Recorder Webware Programs that are accessed via the web, such as YackPack, gCast*
DL Recorder
gCast – a hybrid solution
Voice Recorder in PowerPoint
Windows Sound Recorder
Topics du jour 1. What is focused speaking and reflective listening? 2. How do students respond to digital recording tasks? 3. What resources are available for recording? 4. Sample activities 5. Questions and discussion
Describe the picture Pick an image with a lot of action and details Ask leading questions Encourage students to elaborate
What is your favorite… Food? What are the ingredients? Sport? Why? Class? Activity? When do you do it?
Leave a phone message… Ask a friend to go to a movie with you. What time does the movie start? What do you want to see? Where will you meet? Leave your phone number.
What kinds of recording activities are they doing? Pronunciation and grammar drills Short answers Picture descriptions The possibilities are unlimited, but limit the recording time to 1-2 minutes!
Topics du jour 1. What is focused speaking and reflective listening? 2. How do students respond to digital recording tasks? 3. What resources are available for recording? 4. Sample activities 5. Questions and discussion
Patricia N. Early Language Lab Coordinator Georgia State University