Disease and Infection Bingo (Industrial Revolution and 20 th Century) BINGO !
Lesson Objectives To identify the key features of disease and infection and the fight against disease in the Industrial Revolution and the 20 th Century To identify which of these events were the most important and significant in the development of understanding of disease and infection To win points for your team…!!!
Draw a table like the one below (4x4) on a piece of paper. It does not need to look beautiful – just draw it
In each box put one word from any of the following Jenner, Pasteur Vaccine, 1865, Koch Salverson 606, Ehrlich, Tuberculosis Germ Theory, Spontaneous Generation, Sulphonamides James Phipps, 1798, Septicaemia, Government, Penicillin, Fleming, Florey and Chain, WW2, Franco-Prussian War, Microscope, Communication, DNA, Acupuncture, Watson and Crick, Chance, Genetic Engineering Pouilly-le-Fort, Anthrax, Chicken Cholera, Rabies Germs cause disease, Different germs cause different diseases, Magic Bullets, Superbugs, Thalidomide, AIDS, Antibiotics, Individual Brilliance, Syphilis, Antibodies, Diphtheria, 1881, Opposition
You now have a bingo card A line wins 5 points for your team A Full House wins 15 points for your team If you can add extra information when your teacher asks, then you can earn bonus points If you have a Full House you must shout ‘Pasteur!’
Which word is this? The person who first thought of using vaccination
Which word is this? The key individual who made the greatest ever medical discovery
Which word is this? The prevention of disease first invented in 1798
Which word is this? The year Germ Theory was published
Which word is this? The first person to identify that different germs caused different diseases
Which word is this? The cure for syphilis that was used successfully in 1911
Which word is this? The person who pioneered magic bullets
Which word is this? A major killer in the Industrial Revolution that Koch attempted to create a vaccine for in 1890
Which word is this? The theory created by Pasteur after he was asked to investigate sour beer in 1857
Which word is this? The theory of disease replaced by Germ Theory
Which word is this? A chemical drug to treat septicaemia pioneered by Domagk in 1932 based on an industrial dye
Which word is this? The 8 year old boy injected with cowpox by Jenner in 1798
Which word is this? The year of Jenner’s small pox vaccine
Which word is this? The bacterial infection that Koch infected his daughter’s pet mice with in 1875
Which word is this? A crucial factor vital in the work of Florey and Chain
Which word is this? The first antibiotic identified originally in 1929 by Fleming
Which word is this? The name of a scientist most famous for making a medical breakthrough by accidentally leaving the window open and jelly culture on the side in 1929
Which word is this? The name of a dynamic duo who made a radical breakthrough in the treatment of infectious disease in WW2
Which word is this? A major catalyst in the production of antibiotics
Which word is this? Vital technology that helped both Pasteur and Koch identify germs
Which word is this? A factor that rapidly advanced the spread of knowledge and understanding of disease and infection in the Industrial Revolution
Which word is this? The name given to the structure of human genetics
Which word is this? An alternative medicine first used in the Islamic World and then rediscovered in the 20 th Century
Which word is this? The scientists who identified the structure of human DNA
Which word is this? A factor vital in the work of Pasteur and Fleming
Which word is this? A 20 th Century development that allows closer study of human cells and could lead to the growing of human body parts
Which word is this? The location of Pasteur’s famous anthrax experiment in 1881
Which word is this? The germ first identified by Koch in 1875
Which word is this? Pasteur’s first vaccine identified after Chamberland left it out on the side and went on holiday in 1880
Which word is this? The disease first vaccinated against in 1885
Which word is this? What Pasteur said after realising that micro- organisms caused decay (!)
Which word is this? What Koch said after noticing that there are different types of germ
Which word is this? Ehrlich’s phrase to describe the white blood cells that destroy specific germs in 1889
Which word is this? The collective name for particularly aggressive germs often found in hospitals
Which word is this? The name of a drug used in the 1960s which is an example of when chemical intervention goes wrong and is not tested properly
Which word is this? The name of a disease that has emerged in the 20 th century and is an example of new diseases
Which word is this? The collective name for drugs developed in the 20 th century and used to treat infection
Which word is this? A factor that refers to the work of Jenner, Pasteur, Koch, Ehrlich, Fleming, Florey and Chain etc
Which word is this? A disease that was treated first in 1911 but was heavily criticised because of the disease’s association with prosititutes
Which word is this? The natural magic bullets that the human body produces to fight infection
Which word is this? The year Pasteur publically proved the benefits of vaccination at Pouilly-le-Fort
Which word is this? What Jenner, (1798) and Ehrlich, (1911) both faced after their medical breakthroughs