Easy to create & use Java support built-in Immediate access Can get any entry Size is fixed from start Recursive structure Need DNode & Dlist Slower to access Usually need traversal Size changes w/ data ArraysLinked Lists Linked Lists v. Arrays
Linked lists not always obvious to code Lots of references must be set (“aliased”) Easy to screw-up, especially by mixing ordering Very easy solution to help do this, however Begin by drawing picture of method does Write method skeleton (declaration & braces {} ) Start method by aliasing variable to each instance Now assign fields making them equal to your picture Double-check by comparing trace with your picture Using Linked Lists
Identify two parts of all recursive solutions Cases when problem is trivial to solve “base case(s)” Split into identical, smaller problems at RECURSIVE step(s) When both parts cannot be determined, stop Do not always have recursive solution for a problem Make sure you will always reach base case Infinite recursion occurs when no base case reached… Recursive Solutions
Infinite Recursion
Handles when only 1 possible solution remains 0 or 1 array entries remain to be processed Linked list node’s next null or trailer (sentinel) At the last value to be processed by the method Writing Base Case
Performs simple operation with 1 or 2 data items Before recursive call(s) could perform the operation… … or the recursive call(s) provide (some of) the data Ultimately solves problem for data it considers Mostly, uses recursive calls to do the work Something is wrong if always solving entire problem Question becomes: WHAT DATA TO CONSIDER? Needs to shrink with each recursive call Should be defined by method’s parameters Writing Recursive Step(s)
Public method only has required parameters Linked list instance to be processed Reference to the array to be evaluated Important value whose result the user is interested Private method may have more parameters Value or array index where method starts working Value or array index where method stop working Range or indices where method starts & stops Which Case is Which?
public int findMin(int[] arr) { return findMin(arr, 0); } private int findMin(int[] arr, int loc) { if (loc == arr.length – 1) { return arr[loc]; } else { int minAfter = findMin(arr, loc + 1); if (minAfter < arr[loc]) { return minAfter; } else { return arr[loc]; } } Where Method Starts Work
public void printTri(int[] arr) { return printTri(arr, arr.length - 1); } private int printTri(int[] arr, int loc) { if (loc == 0) { System.out.println(arr[loc]); } else { for (int i = 0; i < loc; i++) { System.out.print(arr[i] + “ ”); } System.out.println(); printTri(arr, loc - 1); } } Where Method Stops Work
public boolean pal(String str) { return pal(str, 0, str.length() - 1); } private boolean pal(String str, int start, int end){ if (start > end) { return true; } else { boolean plndrm = pal(str, start + 1, end - 1); char fst = str.charAt(start); char lst = str.charAt(end); return plndrm && (fst == lst); } } Range To Use
Start week #8 assignment Due by 5PM next Tuesday Start programming assignment #3 Messages are not always sent to everyone! Read sections in book before class Is all code really equal? How can we determine how fast code runs? Before Next Lecture… NO!