RPC M & O-B status Pigi Paolucci. Introduction 2008: RPC project budded from the barrel and forward 2009: M&OB token of 5 KCHF (but INFN 163 KCHF) The.


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Presentation transcript:

RPC M & O-B status Pigi Paolucci

Introduction 2008: RPC project budded from the barrel and forward 2009: M&OB token of 5 KCHF (but INFN 163 KCHF) The only missing contribution is from Pakistan 2010: RPC M&OB contribution table discussed and officially approved by the RPC Institution Board Upscope and Upgrade is not included 13/7/102Pigi Paolucci - INFN Napoli

What we have done for the 2010 M&OB table is divided in material and manpower – Discussed and approved by the RPC IB The amount due per institution has been calculated using the ESP+Phd students – ESP+Phd numbers have been discussed with the Group Leaders and then approved by the RPC IB The amount due will be paid half in cash and half in kind (manpower on specific items decided by the IB) N.B. We don’t have hired manpower (CMS table) 13/7/10Pigi Paolucci - INFN Napoli3

M & O-B contributions Institution CHF INFN (old account) INFN (new account) INFN Napoli INFN PS spare INFN GGM spare Korea Inre Univ Sofia Univ Ghent Univ China India Pakistan 0 Brussel Univ Total Input /7/104Pigi Paolucci - INFN Napoli

2010 material details 13/7/10 5 Pigi Paolucci - INFN Napoli MATERIALS Euro CHF Server (5 DCS + 3 DQM + RC) upgrade (every 2 years)5,38,0 HV-LV spares (10HV+6LV)102,7154,0 HV-LV-ADC CAEN maintenance21,332,0 HV-LV-ADC cable, connect. distrib5,38,0 P5 Lab infrastr.5,38,0 ISR gas & infrastr.10,716,0 GIF detector test (SJ)5,38,0 Gas Monitoring materials5,38,0 Gas Monitoring spares11,016,5 CERN store 11,016,5 Sensors upgrade endcap sensor on fiber10,716,0 Electronic Pool CERN 12,719,0 Communication telephone for shifters and experts2,03 TOTAL (maintenance and reparation) 208,7 313,0

2010 M&O-B manpower 13/7/10Pigi Paolucci - INFN Napoli6 MANPOWER Euro CHF Detector reparation 16,825,2 Electronic (TTU+FEB+CB) reparation 2,84,2 HV-LV repar. And maint. 5,68,4 HV-LV firmware upgrade 5,68,4 DCS - DQM - DB software upgrade 16,825,2 DCS - DQM machine maint. 5,68,4 Sensors upgrade endcap upgrade endcap 5,68,4 Gas gas test and reparation 11,216,8 Gas Monitoring repair and maint. 5,68,4 Cooling repar. and maint. 5,68,4 TOTAL 81,2 121,8

ESP /7/107Pigi Paolucci - INFN Napoli M&O 2010# ESP Peking Univ (China)3 SKK Univ (Korea)7 Korea Univ (Korea)9 Chonnam (Korea)2 Mumbai-Barc (India)1 Chandigarh (India)3 Ghent (Belgium)8 Brussel Univ (Belgium)1 Uniandes - Colombia2 Pakistan6 Bari12 LNF5 Napoli7 Pavia3 Sofia Univ6 Sofia INRE6 RPC TOTAL81

2010 M&O-B per institution 13/7/108Pigi Paolucci - INFN Napoli M&O 2010Amount due KCHFIn kindcashApproved Peking Univ (China)16,1 8,08,1 YES but SKK Univ (Korea)37,6 48,3 Korea YES Korea Univ (Korea)48,3 YES Chonnam (Korea)10,7 YES Mumbai-Barc (India)5,4 YES Chandigarh (India)16,1 8,1 YES Ghent (Belgium)42,9 12,930,0 YES Brussel Univ (Belgium)5,4 YES Uniandes - Colombia10,7 5,4 YES Pakistan32,2 16,1 YES but Bari64,4 YES LNF26,8 YES Napoli37,6 44,9100,0 Italy YES Pavia16,1 YES Sofia Univ32,2 23,010,0 YES Sofia INRE32,2 23,010,0 YES RPC TOTALCHF 434,8CHF 189,8CHF 246,6

2011 M&O-B # ESP have to be checked with the institution leaders 13/7/109Pigi Paolucci - INFN Napoli M&O 2010# ESPAmount due KCHF Peking univ 3 10,0 SKK Univ (Korea) 7 23,2 Korea Univ (Korea) 9 29,9 Chonnam (Korea) 2 6,6 Mumbai-Barc (India) 1 3,3 Chandigarh (India) 3 10,0 Ghent (Belgium) 8 26,5 Brussel Univ (Blgium) 1 3,3 Uniandes 2 6,6 Pakistan 6 19,9 Bari 12 39,8 LNF 5 16,6 Napoli 7 23,2 Pavia 3 10,0 Sofia Univ 6 19,9 Sofia INRE 6 19,9 RPC TOTAL ,8

Conclusions 16 institutions, 81 FTE 2010 M&OB = 435 KCHF5,4 KCHF/Phd 2010 M&OB = 270 KCHF (no more HV-LV spares)3,3 KCHF/Phd After many private meetings, official meeting, s and phone-calls the RPC project has finally approved a set of rules to quantify and share the M&OB – ESP will be checked every year with group leader – Cash/In Kind sharing has been defined as 50/50 for the 2010 (could change) – Official letter (or ) with ESP and M&OB amount due will be sent to every institution  an invoice will be sent for the cash contribution China is asking to merge M&OA/B in an unique request ! Pakistan is asking to postpone the 2009 and 2010 payments. We need to make few corrections for the RPC project in the CMS table before the next RRB Let me thanks all the Institution leader and National representative to help me in this not easy and long job. 13/7/10Pigi Paolucci - INFN Napoli10