SPACE TRAVEL Eldon Primary School KS1 Science Project (Autumn 2015)
Task: To research and write information about rockets using the following questions to guide you: -What is an astronaut? -How do you get to the Moon? -How does a rocket work?
WHAT IS AN ASTRONUAT? Use the internet and books to find out information about astronauts and write your ideas in a paragraph.
HOW DO YOU GET TO THE MOON? Use the internet and books to find out information about how you get to the Moon and write your ideas in a paragraph.
How does a rocket work? Use the internet and books to find out information about how a rocket works and write your ideas in a paragraph.
The report must be carefully researched and well presented. Scrap pieces of paper and untidy writing will NOT be accepted.
To design and make a model rocket.
Deadline: The report and rocket must be handed in on Friday 15th January 2016