T - 1 Debrizine (Water)
T - 2 Debrizine Public health officials in Debrizine noted a dramatic increase in intestinal illnesses in recent weeks. The cases, however, were scattered and have not reached the level of public concern. Almost all cases have been minor. Further investigation indicates that several major elements of the city’s water filter system are defective. –Replacement parts and repair will require 4 to 6 weeks. –The current system fails to screen out key bacteria. Health officials recommend a public announcement of the dangers with instruction to boil all water until the repairs are made.
T - 3 Debrizine (Cont’d) Local and national officials are ambivalent. They realize the problem, but note that a major negotiation with a German transnational firm for a 200 million DM investment in an environmental research park is in its final stages with signing expected in three of four days. They recommend deferring publicity on the water threat for a “reasonable time.” Health officials argue that any delay could endanger the elderly and children.