ASAS-TN 3rd Workshop - Airbus ASAS Status ASAS-TN 3 rd Workshop AIRBUS ASAS Status ASAS-TN 3 rd Workshop - Airbus ASAS Status Presented by : Patrick LELIEVRE ATM Research Coordinator AIRBUS FRANCE - EYAK Cockpit Avionics - Operations
© AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. April 2004ASAS-TN 3rd Workshop - Airbus ASAS StatusPage 2 Content Human Factors Human Factors Impact on aircrews Training Issues Onboard Systems Onboard Systems Automation Main new airborne functions Technical Issues Integration into Airbus Architecture Integration into Airbus Architecture Integration of ASAS HMI into Airbus Cockpit Evolution of Airbus Architecture for Package 1 Research Status and Activities Research Status and Activities Industrial Roadmap Industrial Roadmap
© AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. April 2004ASAS-TN 3rd Workshop - Airbus ASAS StatusPage 3 ASAS - Human factors ASAS HMI ASAS HMI - What to present to the pilots? - What not to present? What range? - Which display? - How to correlate TCAS with ASAS? - How to process conflicts? Procedures? Addressed in research programs HMI & ergonomics Do Not separate traffic display from ASAS HMI & ergonomics Do Not separate traffic display from ASAS Important impact on pilot task sharing, then procedures We are still a long way from transfer of responsibility from controller to pilot. Important impact on pilot task sharing, then procedures We are still a long way from transfer of responsibility from controller to pilot. Could have important impacts on recurrent training for specific qualification Could have important impacts on recurrent training for specific qualification
© AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. April 2004ASAS-TN 3rd Workshop - Airbus ASAS StatusPage 4 ASAS – Impact on aircrew No ASAS application will be certified if it requires particular skills / physical condition of the crew Execution of the application should not be an issue No ASAS application will be certified if it requires particular skills / physical condition of the crew Execution of the application should not be an issue Crew workload should reasonably be contained by design of the applications. Even if average COM workload decreases, NAV/SURV workload shall be contained by design application and appropriate airborne automation. Crew workload should reasonably be contained by design of the applications. Even if average COM workload decreases, NAV/SURV workload shall be contained by design application and appropriate airborne automation. The new tasks arise many and important safety questions. Crew acceptation needs: The new tasks arise many and important safety questions. Crew acceptation needs: Enough crew experience on lower level applications A strong validation of the ASAS concepts Possibly, a new legal frame (see below) Communication tasks Manoeuvring tasks Communication tasks Manoeuvring tasks Current procedures With ASAS
© AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. April 2004ASAS-TN 3rd Workshop - Airbus ASAS StatusPage 5 ASAS – Training issues The (new) ASAS tasks will add to the existing ones, for which the type qualification requires about 5 weeks (except X-crew considerations) The (new) ASAS tasks will add to the existing ones, for which the type qualification requires about 5 weeks (except X-crew considerations) Each new ASAS application will require additional training time and, sometimes, specific training means (ex : traffic simulation) Each new ASAS application will require additional training time and, sometimes, specific training means (ex : traffic simulation) This additional time will depend on This additional time will depend on The complexity of the application The crew / machine task sharing (automation once again …) The consistency between the ASAS applications and, for a given application, between the several places it can take place (this highlights the importance of a good operational concept) The global consistency of the CNS/ATM applications
© AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. April 2004ASAS-TN 3rd Workshop - Airbus ASAS StatusPage 6 ASAS - Onboard Systems ASAS shall not interfere with Safety Net (ACAS) ASAS shall not interfere with Safety Net (ACAS) Media for Datalink Broadcast : Lobbying pollutes the work Media for Datalink Broadcast : Lobbying pollutes the work 1090 ES FIRST - Promoted worldwide VHF band not suitable for Air Transport, L-band more appropriate (UAT) Additional sustainable link when needed Traffic Display & Controls integration into the cockpit : Main focus on Ergonomics & Retrofit Traffic Display & Controls integration into the cockpit : Main focus on Ergonomics & Retrofit Systems integration : Avoid changing deeply the existing aircraft architecture Systems integration : Avoid changing deeply the existing aircraft architecture Automation will be needed for spacing, then for separation applications Automation will be needed for spacing, then for separation applications Begin by simplest procedures not requiring strong modifications Begin by simplest procedures not requiring strong modifications Standardisation : Importance of US / Europe joint work Standardisation : Importance of US / Europe joint work Certification : Work early with Airworthiness Authorities Certification : Work early with Airworthiness Authorities
© AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. April 2004ASAS-TN 3rd Workshop - Airbus ASAS StatusPage 7 ASAS - Automation Most (if not all) ASAS applications involve, either repetitive, routine and / or very accurate new tasks related to guidance / navigation relative to other aircraft. Those new tasks may hardly rely on the sole crew using their CDTI Concerning the ASAS applications, the automation will address Efficient filtering of displayed traffic information (including correlation of TCAS / ADS-B / TIS-B information) Integration of ATC clearances (from loaded CPDLC clearances or from crew inputs) in the systems Generation of alerts when ASAS applications are / will be impaired (in addition of possible TCAS alerts, that by design should never happen) Generation of guidance cues (speed…) Execution of the navigation / guidance separation clearances The automation considerations highly impact the design of airborne systems The automation considerations highly impact the design of airborne systems
© AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. April 2004ASAS-TN 3rd Workshop - Airbus ASAS StatusPage 8 ASAS – Main impacted airborne functions ASAS applications management (including HMI) ASAS applications management (including HMI) ASAS customisation functions (incl. Custom. of HMI functions) ASAS customisation functions (incl. Custom. of HMI functions) ADS-B data computation / reception / transmission / media management / TIS-B reception and management ADS-B data computation / reception / transmission / media management / TIS-B reception and management TCAS / ADS-B / TIS-B data correlation TCAS / ADS-B / TIS-B data correlation Traffic filtering and display Traffic filtering and display New Navigation / Guidance functions : New Navigation / Guidance functions : Longitudinal separation acquisition Longitudinal separation maintaining Predictions of lateral / longitudinal / vertical separations Computation / implementation of overtaking offsets Guidance for lateral crossing Computation / implementation of overtaking step alts Conflict resolution based on modification of 4D FMS trajectories … Computation of separation alerts Computation of separation alerts Reception / processing / display of dedicated CPDLC clearances Reception / processing / display of dedicated CPDLC clearances
© AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. April 2004ASAS-TN 3rd Workshop - Airbus ASAS StatusPage 9 ASAS – Technical Issues HMI HMI Display of the useful information of numerous aircraft in the selected range together with F-PLN, WX, terrain information Definition and location of HMI controls (both dedicated and MCDU- accessed) Consistency of design across all ASAS applications and, beyond, consistency of all CNS/ATM functions Traffic data (TCAS, ADS-B, TIS-B) correlation Traffic data (TCAS, ADS-B, TIS-B) correlation Complexity and accuracy of new functions Complexity and accuracy of new functions Criticality of new Navigation / Guidance functions Criticality of new Navigation / Guidance functions General General Latency of information (highly dependent on the architecture) Equipment class Software level Compatibility with existent or future functions Costs
© AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. April 2004ASAS-TN 3rd Workshop - Airbus ASAS StatusPage 10 Integration of ASAS HMI in Airbus cockpits (NUP I) Specific, loadable Data-link clearances Dedicated ADS-B & TIS-B controls Management of ASAS functions & traffic display Traffic displayTraffic display Application identificationApplication identification Parameters to control the current applicationParameters to control the current application Surveillance & alertingSurveillance & alerting specific guidance modes and parameters integrated to current controls & displays
© AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. April 2004ASAS-TN 3rd Workshop - Airbus ASAS StatusPage 11 Current architecture on Airbus Wiring provisions Mode S 1090 xt Mode S XT ADS-B media ATC TCAS ControlPanel Display ADIRS MMR FMS FMS ASAS Navigation Processing MMR ADIRS ADIRS MCDU FWC ADC MCDU FWC TCAS ATSU GPS/IRS data A/C climb performance ADS bus Flight ID Display Audio Recorder DFDR CMC
© AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. April 2004ASAS-TN 3rd Workshop - Airbus ASAS StatusPage 12 ASAS Package 1 architecture example on Airbus (SA & LR) Mode S 1090 xt Mode S XT ADS-B media ADIRS MMR FMS FMS ASAS Navigation Processing MMR ADIRS ADIRS Traffic Computer 1090 R ADS-B media ASAS Traffic data processing ACAS RT & processing L band 2 nd link capability other ADS-B media if requested GPS/IRS/GPIRS data New wiring for ADS-B IN A.P. A.P. ATSU GPS/IRS/GPIRS data FMS nav data own data Surveillance Processing Navigation Processing LS AMU ATC TCAS Ctl Panel own data AFC Display FCU Display MMR EFCP FWC MCDU MCDU PointingDevice RecorderDFDR New Wiring Provision for EHS & ES GPS data for MK4XPDR Time mark pulse CMC
© AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. April 2004ASAS-TN 3rd Workshop - Airbus ASAS StatusPage 13 ASAS – Airbus R&D Status Within the framework of European programmes, Airbus is exploring the operational conditions of ASAS implementation, addressing: Within the framework of European programmes, Airbus is exploring the operational conditions of ASAS implementation, addressing: ASAS applications requirements and procedures, The cockpit installation, HMI, and The avionics architecture. A number of major human factors issues remain to be solved to enable safe operation on a routine basis. A follow-up programme (Collaborative-ATM) is expected to lead to operational trials in the 2007/8 timeframe.
© AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. April 2004ASAS-TN 3rd Workshop - Airbus ASAS StatusPage 14 ASAS – Airbus R&D Activities Integration of 4D and ASAS C-ATM AFASNUP NUP AAA C-ATM ATSAW Spacing Separation ASAS Applications ADS-B Links 1090 ES NUP VDL 4 UAT C-ATM EMMA No current Program
© AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. April 2004ASAS-TN 3rd Workshop - Airbus ASAS StatusPage Mode S ELS/EHS 1090 Ext Squitter Minimal ADS-B out available Mode S ELS/EHS 1090 Ext Squitter Minimal ADS-B out available ADS-B in & CDTI certif - ATSAW - Spacing TBC (FMS mod) ADS-B in & CDTI certif - ATSAW - Spacing TBC (FMS mod) Mode S update for ADS-B out DO260A Mode S update for ADS-B out DO260A Certification FMS Modified Decision for ADS-B out MANDATE with EHS mandate Package 1 implementation ADS-B in & CDTI TRIALS on test AC ADS-B in & CDTI TRIALS on test AC Second link development if needed Second link development if needed Certification FP6 research projects ASAS - Industrial capacity TIS-B Ground Stations Package 1 Spacing implementation & Applications certification Package 1 Spacing implementation & Applications certification
© AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. April 2004ASAS-TN 3rd Workshop - Airbus ASAS StatusPage 16 The content of this document is the property of AIRBUS FRANCE. It is supplied in confidence and commercial security on its contents must be maintained. It must not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied nor may information contained in it be disclosed to unauthorised persons. It must not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission in writing from AIRBUS FRANCE. The statements made herein do not constitute an offer. They are based on the assumptions shown and are expressed in good faith. Where the supporting grounds for these statements are not shown, the Company will be pleased to explain the basis thereof.