NICE TO MEET YOU! Ready, steady, go  Red – Я жду урок с нетерпением  Orange – Я готов к уроку  Green – Я буду стараться.


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Presentation transcript:


Ready, steady, go  Red – Я жду урок с нетерпением  Orange – Я готов к уроку  Green – Я буду стараться

Autumn AAutumn leaves are falling down To the ground, to the ground They are falling day and night, Green and …, red and ….

 Autumn leaves are falling down To the ground, to the ground They are falling day and night, Green and yellow, red and bright.

The country and the city

- S (es)

Remember! AA man – men AA woman – women AA child – children AA mouse – mice AA sheep – sheep

Words in plural CCities, towns, farms, streets, cars, houses, fields, hills, rivers, gardens, apple trees, cows, horses, sheep, AAnd wishes

Ready, steady, go  Red – Fine!  Orange – Ok!  Green – All will be great!