The Ringed Planet By Riley Lulfs and Jaxon Mann SATURN The Ringed Planet By Riley Lulfs and Jaxon Mann
Saturn was formed by the solar nebula. How was Saturn formed Saturn was formed by the solar nebula.
Saturn's rings were formed Saturn's rings were formed by pieces of ice and rock getting stuck in gravitational pull.
What is Saturn made of. Saturn is made of 94% hydrogen and 6% helium.
How big is Saturn Saturn is 120,000km in diameter. Saturn could contain 764 earths
What gives Saturn its color Different layers of atmosphere give Saturn its color.
How many rings does Saturn have and how do scientist see how many? Saturn has 9 main rings. Scientists found all 9 rings using the Hubble Telescope.
Another fact: Saturn is the Greek word for Kronos The end Another fact: Saturn is the Greek word for Kronos