PSYCHOLOGY Dissociative, Somatosform, Psychosomatic, and Personality Disorders
Dissociative Disorders conscious awareness becomes separated (dissociated) from previous memories, thoughts, and feelings
Dissociative Disorders 1. Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) rare dissociative disorder in which a person exhibits two or more distinct and alternating personalities Differences in: Voice Vision Mannerisms balance formerly called multiple/split personality disorder
Dissociative disorders Other Dissociative disorders not identified in your text: 2. Dissociative amnesia- characterized by loss of memory w/out organic cause
Dissociative Disorders 3. Dissociative fugue - involves flight from home & assumption of a new identity, w/amnesia for past identity & events
Explanations for Dissociative Disorders zPsychoanalytic (unconscious repression) & learning perspectives view these disorders as ways of dealing with anxiety and/or severe abuse
Somatoform disorders Somatoform disorders - this is an apparent physical illness for which there is no organic basis (somato - prefix for body)
Somatoform disorders Types of Somatoform disorders: 1. Conversion disorders - partial paralysis without physical cause (vision, limbs are common) 2. Hypochondria -deluded conviction of having a serious disease, gnawing fear of disease 3.Body dysmorphic - imagined ugliness, preoccupation with image
Somatoform disorders Types of Somatoform disorders: 4.Somatization disorder - characterized by numerous & recurrent physical complaints 5.Pain disorder - pain is more severe or persistent then can be explained by medical causes
Other disorders Psychosomatic = psychophysiological illness yMind-body illness; any stress-related physical illness yExample: ulcers, headaches
Personality Disorders disorders characterized by inflexible and enduring behavior patterns that impair social functioning
Personality disorders 3 clusters of personality disorders 1.Anxiety is express in form of fear of rejection; withdraw behavior 2.Eccentric behavior (unconventional, different, imaginative, impulsive), social disengaged 3.Dramatic, impulsive, attention getting, exaggerates, imaginative, unstable emotion, unstable relationships
Personality Disorders 1. Antisocial Personality Disorder (sociopath, psychopath) disorder in which the person (usually man) exhibits a lack of conscience for wrongdoing, even toward friends and family members Manipulative, impulsive, superficial aggressive, ruthless, or a clever con artist
Other Personality Dis. Paranoid - unreasonably suspicious of others thoughts or motives Narcissistic - excessive self-admiration/self- centeredness Borderline - unstable Schizoid - socially disengaged
Personality Disorders PET scans illustrate reduced activation in a murderer’s frontal cortex Normal Murderer
Personality Disorders