Culture Of Honor Chapter 5 : Chapter 5 : Freedom Practice – Developing A Wealth Mindset “I cannot afford to have one thought in my mind that is not in His.” ~Bill Johnson
Wk6 - Culture of Honor 1) Each person carries a tremendous responsibility in a ____________. We are each one half of _____________. Freedom Practice – Developing A Wealth Mindset
Wk6 - Culture of Honor 1) Each person carries a tremendous responsibility in a relationship. We are each one half of “us”. Freedom Practice – Developing A Wealth Mindset
Wk6 - Culture of Honor Freedom Practice – Developing A Wealth Mindset 2) We are free to do whatever is in our __________, and our hearts are ours to __________. “All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable,” 1 Corinthians 6:12
Wk6 - Culture of Honor Freedom Practice – Developing A Wealth Mindset 2) We are free to do whatever is in our hearts, and our hearts are ours to manage. “All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable,” 1 Corinthians 6:12
Wk6 - Culture of Honor Freedom Practice – Developing A Wealth Mindset 3) The enemy presents us with ___________ and removes our _______________ and makes us afraid to live free. “The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but I have come that they may have life and have it to the full,” John 10:10
Wk6 - Culture of Honor Freedom Practice – Developing A Wealth Mindset 3) The enemy presents us with limitations and removes our options and makes us afraid to live free. “The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but I have come that they may have life and have it to the full,” John 10:10
Wk6 - Culture of Honor Freedom Practice – Developing A Wealth Mindset 4) The development of a ________ ___________ is an essential key to our successful introduction of Heaven coming to earth and having it ____________ on earth.
Wk6 - Culture of Honor Freedom Practice – Developing A Wealth Mindset 4) The development of a wealth mindset is an essential key to our successful introduction of Heaven coming to earth and having it remain on earth.
Wk6 - Culture of Honor Freedom Practice – Developing A Wealth Mindset 5) Wealth is not equal to _________________. Riches = money or external conditions. Wealth = internal reality.
Wk6 - Culture of Honor Freedom Practice – Developing A Wealth Mindset 5) Wealth is not equal to riches. Riches = money or external conditions. Wealth = internal reality.
Wk6 - Culture of Honor Freedom Practice – Developing A Wealth Mindset 6) A wealth mindset is about ____________.
Wk6 - Culture of Honor Freedom Practice – Developing A Wealth Mindset 6) A wealth mindset is about freedom.
Wk6 - Culture of Honor Freedom Practice – Developing A Wealth Mindset 7) Four keys to new freedom: A new ________________. “I want you to leave your ___________________.” ”I want you to leave your father’s _____________.”
Wk6 - Culture of Honor Freedom Practice – Developing A Wealth Mindset 7) Four keys to new freedom: A new name. “I want you to leave your country.” “I want you to leave your family.” ”I want you to leave your father’s house.”
Wk6 - Culture of Honor Freedom Practice – Developing A Wealth Mindset 8) We are called to be _______________.
Wk6 - Culture of Honor Freedom Practice – Developing A Wealth Mindset 8) We are called to be rulers.
Wk6 - Culture of Honor Freedom Practice – Developing A Wealth Mindset 9) Believers with a ________ class view expect much more in their experience with God than salvation.
Wk6 - Culture of Honor Freedom Practice – Developing A Wealth Mindset 9) Believers with a wealth class view expect much more in their experience with God than salvation.
Wk6 - Culture of Honor Freedom Practice – Developing A Wealth Mindset 10) We need to start to believe the ____________ of what we have and the weight of what we are called to do with it.
Wk6 - Culture of Honor Freedom Practice – Developing A Wealth Mindset 10) We need to start to believe the limitlessness of what we have and the weight of what we are called to do with it.
Wk6 - Culture of Honor Freedom Practice – Developing A Wealth Mindset 11) We don’t focus on the limitless resources as an ends in themselves, but on ________________ them in the things that really matter - people, cultural legacies, and beauty. Things that deserve honor.
Wk6 - Culture of Honor Freedom Practice – Developing A Wealth Mindset 11) We don’t focus on the limitless resources as an ends in themselves, but on investing them in the things that really matter - people, cultural legacies, and beauty. Things that deserve honor.
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