Leonardo da Vinci Partnerships “Water for Life – Education for Water ” ROMANIA’s Case W-Education First Transnational Meeting 12 th – 16 th November, 2008 Maribor - Graz, Slovenia, Austria
Environment - Drainage Rivers: The Danube is the main collector of radius- distributed rivers, most of them springing from the Carpathians. The four longest rivers have their source in the Eastern Carpathians: Olt, Mures, Siret and Prut. Also Tisa, on the northern border and Somesul Mare (Maramures region). As naturak assets we should add more than 2,000 mineral water springs, many of them termal ones. Lakes: The mountain lakes are either of glacial origin (Bucura and Zanoaga in the Retezat), volcanic, originated in a former volcanic crater ( Saint Ana Lake in Ciomatu Mare Massif) or formed by natural barrage ( Rosu Lake in Hasmas Mountains). There are also lakes in the plains range as health spas (Amara, Sarat Lake) or as holiday/fishing resorts (Snagov, Caldarusani).
- 97,4 % of Romania’s surface is located in the Danube River basin - Romania represents 29% from Danube River basin surface - The danube River has 37.7% of his length on Romanian territory
Main romanian hydrographical basins
Main hydrographical bodies, subject to the National Management Plan / Strategy
BUCHAREST – ILFOV REGION It is formed by Bucharest, the capital of Romania, and Ilfov County, located within the south of the country, in the central part of the Romanian Plane. In 2008 the localities network of Buchartest – Ilfov Region has 8 towns, 35 communes and 100 villages. From these towns, only Bucharest is municipality with around 2 millions inhabitants. Bucharest is situated on the rivers Dambovitza and Colentina. Colentina developed a series of lakes which modified the morphology and the initial topoclimat: Mogosoaia, Straulesti, Baneasa, Herastrau, Floreasca, Tei, Fundeni, Pantelimon). Some of these lakes soroundings were improved by touristical / agreement reasons, but others are still neglected.
Bucharest satellite
Fundeni Lake
Fundeni Lake satellite
Pantelimon Lake
Pantelimom Lake satellite
Plumbuita Lake
Plumbuita Lake satelite
Herastrau Lake
Fundeni Lake – Dobroesti commune
Dobroesti - 6 km far from Bucharest
We decided to choose Dobroesti area – as a basis for establishing water trail Reasons: The proximity: 6 km far from Bucharest The great touristic attraction Geographical and cultural potential (sustainable development) Natural resources education and lifelong learning in a rural/suburban area Recreational vehicles, paddling classes Volunteering Resources Mobilisation Capacity building of NGOs and local decision makers.
Many Thanks!