Discrete Mathematics Course syllabus
Course No.: Course Classification: Department Compulsory (CS,CIS,SE) Course Name: Discrete Mathematics Time Division: 3 Lectures Course Website: Semester &Year: First, 2013/2014
Course Description Propositional logic and equivalent statements, quantifiers, arguments, set theory and properties, Functions and their properties, equivalence relations, induction, recursion, graphs and trees. Course Intended Outcomes At the end of the course, students are expected to learn: The concepts of logic theory. Proving using induction The basic concepts of set theory Functions and their properties Concept of recursion Equivalence relations Properties of graphs and trees
Textbook Discrete mathematics and its applications, Sussana S.epp,2007
Suggested references 1.Discrete Mathematics, S.Nanda, Discrete Mathematical structures, Kolman, Robert and C.Busby, The Essence of discrete mathematics, Neville Dean, Discrete mathematics with its applications, Sussana,S.Epp, Discrete Mathematics, Kenneth A. rossand Charles R.Wright,1992
Marking First Exam25 marks Second Exam 25 marks Activity 10 marks Final Exam 40 marks
Regulations NO makeup exams! Missing any exam means a ZERO grade will be given for that exam. There are no makeup for quizzes Attendance is mandatory and University regulations will be enforced. All Cheating incidents will be reported to the chair. The following activities are considered cheating: –Turning in assignment that includes parts of someone else's work. –Turning in someone else’s assignment as your own. –Giving assignment to someone else to turn in as their own. –Copying answers in a test or quiz. –Taking a test or quiz for someone else. –Having someone else take a test or quiz for you. See Student handbook for other regulations.
Assignments and/or Projects Assignments / Projects DescriptionDue DateMarking H.WsQuestions will be given after some chapters later5 MARK QuizzesTwo or more quizzes to be made during the course 5 MARK