National 5 Lifeskills Mathematics Understanding what it is & why it could be the course choice for you.
What is Lifeskills Mathematics?
Finance, statistics, data management, measurement and geometry.
What is Lifeskills Mathematics? Mathematical skills and knowledge learners need in their everyday lives – both personally and in the workplace.
Why Study Lifeskills? Develop ability to use mathematical processes in real-life situations.
Why Study Lifeskills? Assess risk and make informed decisions about managing personal finances.
Why Study Lifeskills? Use measurements, diagrams and time management skills to plan practical projects.
Why Study Lifeskills? Interpret and analyse statistical information to draw conclusions.
Is it easier than Mathematics? Level of demand and difficulty is no different. NO! National 5 Mathematics and National 5 Lifeskills Mathematics are both set at SCQF level 5.
What are the differences? Mathematics focuses on operational skills in algebra, calculus, geometry, numeracy, statistics and trigonometry.
What are the differences? In Mathematics, some of the time, learners interpret situations, identify strategies and explain solutions and relate them to context.
What are the differences? Lifeskills Mathematics focuses on developing reasoning skills using real-life contexts in finance, statistics, numeracy, geometry and measures.
Workplace preparation? Develop skills in problem- solving, communication and numeracy.
Workplace preparation? Develop the ability to evaluate risk, to inform the decisions they make on both an individual and collective basis. Develop skills in problem- solving, communication and numeracy.
Workplace preparation? Skills which are recognised, essential employability skills for the modern world all feature strongly in the Lifeskills Mathematics Courses.
Lifeskills Mathematics