I. Paul’s Prayer, Ep.1:15-19
15: Ephesus, a strong church Paul prays for more Key to spiritual growth: always advance 16: Value of Paul’s prayer Gn.40:14
17: Father of glory 1. Glorious Father 2. Source of all true glory Spirit of – Wisdom: receptive spirit (attitude) for truth, Ac.17:11 Revelation: 3:3-5 (Col.1:9) Humble Teachable Submissive
18-19: eyes of heart enlightened 2 K.6 Ep.4:18 Mt.13:15-16 ‘Know hope of His calling’ 2:12, no hope 2:13, in Christ… ‘Riches…glory… inheritance in saints’ 2 Pt.3; Mt.16:26 ‘Greatness of His power’ (19) Leads to Paul’s praise
I. Paul’s Prayer, Ep.1:15-19 II. Paul’s Praise, Ep.1:20-23
God manifests His power in – 1. Resurrection and ascension of Christ, Rule of Christ, 21 (2:2; 3:10; 4:8-10) 3. Dominion of Christ, 22a (Ps.8:6; Hb.2:6- 9) 1 Co.15:27; Ph.3:21 4. Headship over His church, 22b-23
“Head” (22) Head gives orders to members “one who is of supreme or pre-eminent status, in view of authority to order or command” – L-N
Jesus is the Head over All things. Col.3:17 2. Church. (Must be important) 3. Which is His body, 23. (One of many figures for the church) Salvation Worship Organization Work of church Salvation Worship Organization Work of church
Figures for the church Flock: Shepherd Sheep Vineyard: Vine Branches Kingdom: King Citizens Body: Head Members
His body (church) is “the fullness of Him” Active: something that fills 1 Active: something that fills W/o body He is Self-sufficient, but not a Savior The body fills Christ, completes Him Col.1:24 Shepherd w/o sheep? Vine w/o branches?King w/o citizens? Head w/o body?
His body (church) is “the fullness of Him” 1 Active: something that fills Passive: something that is full 2 Passive: something that is full As God’s glory filled the Temple… The body is filled w. Christ, Col.2:10: Jn.1:16
“Who fills all in all” (23) He would have no defect w/o us Christ Shepherd – sheep Vine – branches King – citizens Head – body Christ Shepherd – sheep Vine – branches King – citizens Head – body Body Receives all spiritual blessings (1:3) Body Receives all spiritual blessings (1:3) fills
I. Paul’s Prayer, Ep.1:15-19 III. Paul’s Points II. Paul’s Praise, Ep.1:20-23
1. Mutual encouragement, Do others see your faith and love? Hb.12 Beware how you treat His members (Ac.9:4). Mk Don’t lose hope, 18 The best is yet to come
3. Don’t be discouraged, Realize the power at your disposal “I don’t see all things under His feet!” Ps.110:2 1. Submission now is voluntary 2. One day every knee will bow… 3. Victory is certain 1. Submission now is voluntary 2. One day every knee will bow… 3. Victory is certain
4. Jesus rules His church, 22 He He is the Shepherd, Vine, King, Head Not a pope, synod, council Obey Him! 5. The church belongs to Christ, 23a His His body (23) My My church (Mt.16:18)
6. In Christ = in church, 23 Church is fullness of Christ (synonyms) Whatever is available in Davidson Co. is available in Nashville; if in one, in the other. Whatever is available in Christ is available in His church; no one is saved outside of it. Nashville is coextensive w. Davidson County
Conclusion: If Christ is incomplete w/o His body (church) why do so many assume they can live without it? Every blessing in Christ is located in His church.