Studies in 1 Corinthians 1 Corinthians 16:19-24 Final Exhortations
Greetings from Asia (19) 1 Corinthians believed to have been written from Ephesus ( Ac. 20:31, 1 Cor. 16:8 ) Many churches in Asia ( Rev. 1:4, 11, etc.)
Greetings from Asia (19) Lesson: While we are independent and autonomous, there are brethren in other places. There are times we can interact, recognize and encourage Whatever recognition there is must be based upon truth (2 John 9- 11, 1 Cor. 1:10, Gal 1:2, Rev. 2:7, etc.)
Aquila and Priscilla (19) Workers with Paul. Met in Corinth (Ac. 18:1-3) Possibly converted by Paul. They go with Paul to Ephesus (Ac. 18:18-19, 24-26) Converted Apollos (Ac. 18:27-19:1). Apollos goes to Corinth. Church in their house - Rome (Rom. 16:3, Ephesus (1 Cor. 16:19)
Greeting one another (20) All the brethren greet you Greet one another with a holy kiss – a greeting of endearment. Similar to our handshake or perhaps a hug. We ought to care about and enjoy each other.
Paul’s Salutation (21) Evidently, Paul had someone else write as he spoke. Cf. Rom. 16:22 – Tertius Typical of Paul – Gal. 6:11, Col. 4:18, 2 Thess. 3:17, Philemon 19
Loving the Lord (22) We need to love the Lord 1 John 4:19, 1 Pet. 1:7-8, John 14:15 The word love is φιλέω, (phileo) – a term of affection Our relationship with the Lord must be real! Feelings are genuine – care, humility, gratitude, etc.
Loving the Lord (22) If not, “Let him be accursed” ἀ νάθεμα, (anathema) – to be put under a curse, cut off cf. Gal. 1:8-9, Heb. 10:31, “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God”
O Lord, come (22) ἀ νάθεμαθά, (maranatha) Means, “O Lord Come” Possibly attached to previous word
O Lord, come (22) If as written, should be the desire of every Christian His final return – 2 Pet. 3: That the Lord’s will prevail in the things discussed That He be with us – cf. Rev. 3:20
Benediction (23-24) Benediction means – an invocation for God’s help especially at the conclusion of a letter or lesson. “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all” – typical closing. Even with a church burdened with these problems Paul desires what is best for them.
Benediction (23-24) “My love be with you all in Christ Jesus” Paul always writes his letters out of love – even though at times they are harsh. He will explain this in 2 Cor. 11:28, 6; Gal. 4:6, etc.
May we learn from this letter… …what the church of Christ is and strive to be what He would have us to be here in Bellflower!