Educational Activities in IEEE Region 8 Friday, 25th April 2008 Room 2* 05:00PM - 06:30PM Doug Gorham & Fanny Klett.


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Presentation transcript:

Educational Activities in IEEE Region 8 Friday, 25th April 2008 Room 2* 05:00PM - 06:30PM Doug Gorham & Fanny Klett

Agenda Malta IEEE R8 EASC Meeting 2008 Welcome and introduction Fanny Klett – 5 min Scope of Educational Activities in IEEE R8 Fanny Klett – 10 min Collaboration with IEEE EAB Doug Gorham - 10 min Directions of Continuing Education a. from the EASC perspective: Matej Zajc – 10 min b. from the PASC perspective: Charles ´Turner – 10 min Experience with ExpertNow modules – improvement of subject matter and English knowledge Fanny Klett - 20 min Follow-Up Munich Conference Doug Gorham - 10 min Conclusion – Improvement of IEEE R8 Services and Actions Fanny Klett – 15 min

Communications in IEEE Region 8 EASC Teleconferences on a group and bilateral basis Offline work in conjunction with 1st EASC f2f meeting – April 2008, Malta 2nd EASC f2f meeting – TBD possibly in conjunction with the 6th International Conference on ICT, December 2008, Kairo

Scope of IEEE Region 8 EASC Accreditation Initial proposed Task Force : -To compile a list of URLs (Uniform Resource Locator) for various accreditation bodies in Region 8, along with URLs of university faculties or departments offering graduate courses in IEEE areas of interest ( there are descriptions of the courses on the relevant webpages). - The accreditation URLs in R8 lead to a list of universities accredited locally and in terms of the Washington or other similar Accords. - It is not necessary to include the homepages of faculties, institutes etc. since all their information are linked to the homepage of the respective university.

Scope of IEEE Region 8 EASC Accreditation Comments on the Initial proposed Task Force : In fact, the compilation of accreditation bodies in Region 8 is not of much value to our members and can be done from the Piscataway office by EAB staff and probably has been done by government offices (eg. NARIC in UK, CTI in FR) A database of graduate programs at Masters level. Could we offer a useful service to our members, mainly Student and GOLD members interested in pursuing graduate studies away from their home country, by compiling with the help of Sections in Region 8 a database of graduate programs being offered in IEEE technical fields. The sort of information they need includes: tuition fees, financial aid available, location, language of instruction, broad theme of the program, etc.

Scope of IEEE Region 8 EASC Accreditation Close collaboration with IEEE EAB related to accreditation  To complete the work started (collection of accreditation data)  To motivate more Section Chairs and engage more Chapter Chairs  Recognition?

Scope of IEEE Region 8 EASC Continuing education ExpertNow modules to be investigated in IEEE R8 – local workshops with local experts  To motivate more Section Chairs and engage more Chapter Chairs/Student Branches  Recognition?

Scope of IEEE Region 8 EASC Continuing education Soft skills workshops  To be evaluated where is a need for them  To expand the themes of the workshops on a local basis  To motivate more Section Chairs and engage more Chapter Chairs/Student Branches

Scope of IEEE Region 8 EASC Continuing education English language courses  To motivate more Section Chairs and engage more Chapter Chairs/Student Branches

Scope of IEEE Region 8 EASC Follow up Munich conference November 2007 »Meeting the Growing Demand for Engineers and their Educators 2010 – 2020«  To study the results of this Conference  To prepare recommendations and distribute them to Sections/Chapters for implementation in the particular countries  To decide on follow-up actions

Scope of IEEE Region 8 EASC General In order to improve services to IEEE members and keep image of IEEE as a high quality professional society  Evaluation of the IEEE R8 conferences in close collaboration with EAB (Evaluation Committee to be set with EASC and EAB support)

Scope of IEEE Region 8 EASC New Items Standards in Education EAB-SA Initiative  Short overview by Dawid Law  EASC actions - TBD

Conclusions of the IEEE Region 8 EASC 2008 Malta Meeting Scope of work »IEEE R8 Education through cooperation and collaboration«

Conclusions of the IEEE Region 8 EASC 2008 Malta Meeting EASC Chair: Fanny Klett Members: Victor Fouad Hanna Matej Zajc Requested collaboration with: IEEE EAB Professional activities (Charles Turner) Industry relations (Benito Palumbo) Standards activities (David Law)

Conclusions of the IEEE Region 8 EASC 2008 Malta Meeting Scope of work  Continuing education (web-based delivery approached)  ExpertNow modules feedback from 4-5 groups  English language learning  Soft skills workshop  Follow-up Munich conference promote and participate, 2009 next event?

Conclusions of the IEEE Region 8 EASC 2008 Malta Meeting Scope of work  Completing the work on accreditation  New portal – to check where R8  New item: Standards in Education EAB-SA Initiative  Creation of new and exploration of existing networks and contacts  Strategy for recognition that can be placed for good work of Sections/Chapters

Conclusions of the IEEE Region 8 EASC 2008 Malta Meeting Scope of work  Teacher in Service Programe  Define venues for 2009 in R8  Increase number of awards nominations  Evaluation of the IEEE R8 conferences should be done in close collaboration with EAB (Evaluation Committee to be set with EASC and EAB support)  Impovement of the role of the EdSoc Chapters – support for a joint conference in 2009?

Conclusions of the IEEE Region 8 EASC 2008 Malta Meeting Motions  Region 8 agrees to promote, participate, and support the follow-up of the Munich conference that will be coordinated by IEEE EAB.  Region 8 agrees to evaluate the IEEE R8 conferences in close collaboration with IEEE EAB (Evaluation Committee to be set with EASC and EAB support).  Region 8 agrees to improve the role of the Education Society Chapters and to coordinate and support a joint event/conference in 2009.