Northwest Wind Integration Forum Technical Work Group Meeting October 29, 2009
Purpose of this meeting To review the multiple initiatives underway in the west addressing renewables integration. To identify opportunities for additional coordination, collaboration, planning and analysis. To help identify gaps in the implementation of the NW Wind Integration Action Plan. To gather ideas for long-term (3-20 year) wind integration strategy development at BPA and other regional organizations.
A packed agenda Northwest Utility Activities –PAC, PSE, PGE, Avista Western Regional Activities –WREZ, Joint Initiative, WECC TEPPC, WECC Variable Generation Sub-Committee (VGS) BPA Wind Integration Team Activities –DSO 216, sub-hourly transmission scheduling, dynamic studies, self-supply, wind forecasting/state awareness Northwest Regional Activities –CG/NTTG/WC Wind Integration Study Team (WIST), ocean energy integration, wind capacity value assessment, Council’s draft 6th Power Plan National Laboratory Integration Activities –NREL, PNNL Conclusions, Recommendations, Calendar
Wind Integration Action Plan Recommendations (March 2007) –Analytical -- capacity value of wind (1), integration cost methodologies (2), better wind data (3), regional wind forecasting (11), options for augmenting system flexibility (14). –Regulatory -- address barriers to greater use of existing transmission capacity (6). –Infrastructure Utilization & Financing -- support greater use of existing transmission capacity (7), develop new model for financing transmission (9). –Operations -- Support ACE Diversity Pilot (12), expand market for control area services and wind integration products (13). –Planning -- new transmission planning methodologies (4), plans of service for WOM, I5, Cross-Cascades (9), evaluate delivery of wind from Montana and other isolated wind resource areas (10), evaluate tradeoffs between competing uses of system flexibility (14), 6 th Power Plan to incorporate planning framework to maximize economic and environmental value of wind (15).
Questions to consider… How can we expedite various initiatives across the west to support an efficient market design and prevent further balkanization of operations? How can we accelerate progress on sub-hourly transmission scheduling? How can we expand access to native Northwest, Canadian and Californian balancing resources? How do we evaluate the potential for storage, demand-side resources and smart grid technologies for providing system flexibility? What is the appropriate role of the Northwest Wind Integration Forum going forward?
Next Steps Results of this meeting will inform a status report to be prepared for the next meeting of Wind Integration Forum Steering Committee (December or January). Results of this meeting will be summarized and included in the administrative record of comment for the draft 6th Power Plan. Follow-on comments and recommendations submitted to the Council by Nov 6 will also be included in the administrative record. Comments and recommendations included in the administrative record will be considered in development of the final 6 th Power Plan. Contact list, presentations, the summary meeting report, and the status report to the Steering Committee will be posted on the wind integration area of the Council’s website ( For questions, contact Jeff King or Eric King