Proposed Consultative Process for Work Plan PDF WG Core Group Meeting 12 April 2013 PHILIPPINES DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government
Lessons from the PDF-WG Work Plan Structure of the Work Plan was clear and easy to understand, however it was difficult to get a sense of progress or accomplishment. It was challenging to identify and quantify progress/ accomplishment in the attainment of desired outcomes and progress in development agendas because: – the desired outcomes were not quantified – there was no benchmark to measure progress There was no clear-cut strategy and regular effort of the Secretariat to update the Work Plan periodically.
1.Expanded Secretariat meeting convened on February 27, 2013, to begin Work Plan preparations 2.Consolidation of learnings from the Accomplishment Report for Coordinating Committee on Decentralization (CCD) convened on March 20, 2013, to define government priorities and key outcomes PDF-WG Work Plan – Preparatory Activities of Secretariat
1.Inclusion of Outcome Indicators in Work Plan Work Plan structure will have 2 sections: – Section 1: Outlines Development Agenda, Outcomes, Outcome Indicators, Baselines, and Targets – Section 2: Summarizes projects/activities according to Outcomes, including additional information such as the objectives/rationale/ motivation of each project/activity PDF-WG Work Plan – Key Improvements to Overall Structure
PDF-WG Work Plan – Next Steps 1.Pre-work for the upcoming Work-planning Workshop: – Take stock of on-going and review pipeline projects and activities by the Government and development partners – Align pipeline projects and activities with the CCD-identified development agendas 2.Expanded Secretariat meeting on Fri., April 19 for to prepare for the Work-planning Workshop. 3.Work-planning Workshop in Tagaytay on April to: – Finalize the PDF-WG Work Plan – Agree on measures for monitoring and evaluating the Work- plan, such as quarterly reporting/updates by agencies, mechanisms for GAD monitoring, mid-term evaluation in 2014/15, etc.
PDF-WG Work Plan – Next Steps 4.Post-workshop revisions/finalization of PDF-WG Work Plan to be undertaken by the Expanded Secretariat by mid-May PDF-WG meeting to be scheduled in June 2013 for the final approval and operationalization of the Work Plan.
Development Agenda and GoalsOutcomes 1.Improving Fiscal Autonomy for Local Development Goal: LGUs with improved fiscal capacities for accelerating local development 1.More efficient local fiscal policies and procedures 2.Increased own-source revenues 3.Improved access of LGUs to financing 4.More efficient allocation of expenditures 2. Promoting Good Local Governance Goal: Accountable LGUs exercising transparent and participatory local governance 1.Meaningful engagement of people’s organizations in local governance 2.More transparent and accountable local operations 3.Improved local government performance 4.Devolution models identified for replication 5.Improved capacities of LCEs 6.More efficient local service delivery 3. Accelerating Local Economic and Sustainable Development Goal: An enabling environment for local economic and sustainable development and effective delivery of basic services. 1.Streamlined business registration system 2.Improved LGU capacity to encourage investments 3.Better management of local public enterprises and utilities 4.Boost economic development through road maintenance 5.Disaster resilient LGUs and communities