By Arely and Blandy
Blue Whales Adelie Penguins Weddell Seal Moss Lichens Algae Food web
Blue whales travel there to get fish. They have balleen. They don’t chew there food. It is a mammal. They are blue, gray, and mink. Blue whales eat krill and fish. Blue whales make deep sounds. They are carnivores.
They are peculiar. Penguins weigh 5 kilograms to 11 pounds. Their average height is 70 centimeters to 27 inches. Each nest is 2 inches away from other nest. They eat fish. They are carnivores.
They are enchanting animals. They live in the edge of the ice. The weddle pups are weaned at around 7 weeks. Adults weigh 880 pounds. Baby seals grow to 3 and 5 feet. They are mammals. They eat fish. They are carnivores. Picture
They are interesting plants. Mosses live where there is shelter and plenty of water. They are found in gravily soil areas. The photosynthesis can start in a few hours. It looks like a white path of sand. Picture
They are rare plants you can only find in Antarctica. They are best adapted to survive in harsh polar climates. They live for about 4,500 years. Lichens only grow about 120 days per year. Lichens not only frugal and robust plants. There are more than 350 species. Picture
There are more than 300 species. They mostly found in bird colonies. They are only living things in barren landscapes. It is sometimes found under old stones. They look like dirt but it is not. They are simple plants. Picture
Orcas are carnivores. Orca whales are massive mammals. Orcas have blowholes that help them breathe. Orcas are black and white. Orca whales are not fish because they don’t have gills. They eat fish, baby seal and more. They are warm blooded.
They have been studied very little. Fungi is found on the west coast on south Shetland Island. The plant is very unique. This plant is found in temperate areas. Fungi grows up to 1 foot tall. It looks like gray frozen flowers.