Recent Graduate Interviews: Preliminary Feedback on Teacher Preparation Programs What’s Works/Best Practices Hayley M Cavino, Evaluation Coordinator Office of Professional Research & Development: Syracuse University
Purposeful Placements “You don’t know anything until you get to the classroom” Time spent in the classroom. Earlier the better (sophomore year). Variety of placements/settings: rural, urban, suburban. Hands-on experiences. Also in different types of classrooms: self- contained, special education & inclusion placements.
Reflection “Implementing strategies with students and having to reflect and write about it.” “Reflection is such a huge part of teaching. As educators we should be lifelong learners”. Videotaping and analyzing your practice. Fostering an openness to change/growth.
Mentoring “Opportunities to observe experienced teachers being mindful of their body language, what they say, their actions – and understand how this impacts the dynamic of the classroom”. Being matched with a good host teacher who can model instructional techniques, teach how to interact with students. Ideally a master teacher. Fostering teacher/mentor relationships.
Opportunities to Practice Mock child study team meetings. Implementation focused coursework. Writing & Implementing IEPs. Functional Behavior Assessments. Using curricula.
Research & Assessment “Assignments that made me research strategies.” Learning research and data collection strategies. Assessment courses and administration of assessments.
Collaboration & Partnering with Adults Developing strategies for effective partnering with other teachers in the building. Co-teaching placements. How to work with a TA and paraprofessionals, who are often more experienced in classrooms. How to collaborate.
Reading & Literacy How to teach reading. Reading and literacy coursework.
Diverse & Rigorous Coursework Inclusive models. Diverse curricula (including curricula that are actually being used). Coursework on serving lower functioning learners, particular disabilities. Classroom Management. Teaching ethnically and racially diverse population.
Alignment & Cohesion Different levels of rigor and grading at different colleges. Theoretical & pedagogical. In programming between courses, departments, and colleges.