November 2, 2015 Student Planner Place this in the proper place Vocabulary test Thursday. Study.


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Presentation transcript:

November 2, 2015 Student Planner Place this in the proper place Vocabulary test Thursday. Study

2 End Planner Entries

2 End of planner Leave it out - will stamp planners today.

4 Summary of last class We had a standard opening. We continued the Ice Lab part 1.

5 Write your answer to last class’s Essential Question: What was the ratio of grams melted per second?

Topic/Objective:Name: Dry Ice Lab Class/Period: Date: Nov 2 Essential Question: What was the ratio of Dry ice grams melted per second?

1. The speed of an object in a particular direction a. Motionb. Speed c. Velocityd. acceleration e. Forcef. Newton (N) g. Net force

2. The rate at which velocity changes; an object accelerates if its speed changes, if its direction changes, or if both its speed and direction changes a. Motionb. Speed c. Velocityd. acceleration e. Forcef. Newton (N) g. Net force

3. An object’s change in position over time when compared with a reference point. a. Motionb. Speed c. Velocityd. acceleration e. Forcef. Newton (N) g. Net force

4. The rate at which an object moves; speed depends on the distance traveled and the time taken to travel that distance a. Motionb. Speed c. Velocityd. acceleration e. Forcef. Newton (N) g. Net force


1. The speed of an object in a particular direction a. Motionb. Speed c. Velocityd. acceleration e. Forcef. Newton (N) g. Net force

1. The speed of an object in a particular direction a. Motionb. Speed c. Velocityd. acceleration e. Forcef. Newton (N) g. Net force

2. The rate at which velocity changes; an object does this if its speed changes, if its direction changes, or if both its speed and direction changes a. Motionb. Speed c. Velocityd. acceleration e. Forcef. Newton (N) g. Net force

2. The rate at which velocity changes; an object does this if its speed changes, if its direction changes, or if both its speed and direction changes a. Motionb. Speed c. Velocityd. acceleration e. Forcef. Newton (N) g. Net force

3. An object’s change in position over time when compared with a reference point. a. Motionb. Speed c. Velocityd. acceleration e. Forcef. Newton (N) g. Net force

3. An object’s change in position over time when compared with a reference point. a. Motionb. Speed c. Velocityd. acceleration e. Forcef. Newton (N) g. Net force

4. The rate at which an object moves; this depends on the distance traveled and the time taken to travel that distance a. Motionb. Speed c. Velocityd. acceleration e. Forcef. Newton (N) g. Net force

4. The rate at which an object moves; this depends on the distance traveled and the time taken to travel that distance a. Motionb. Speed c. Velocityd. acceleration e. Forcef. Newton (N) g. Net force

Homework Make up triad 2 work for the semester due Nov 13. Study vocabulary

Today’s Work Notebook review. Ice lab part 2

Lab 2 Measuring mass of dry ice Calculate the mass of the ice: Tare = weight of beaker Balance reading tare =______ Balance reading gross = ____ Subtract gross-tare = net = mass of ice

Lab 2 Melt rate of dry ice 1.Find the mass of the Dry ice 2.Measure 4 minutes melt time. 3.Re measure the mass. 4.Subtract mass 2 from mass 1, and calculate the seconds 5.Divide the loss mass by the seconds = melt rate in g/s

1. Place measured dry ice into cup. Add ½ cup of water. Observe & record. 2. Add 3 drops of soap. Observe & record. 3. Break up dry ice, and place into water bottle. Add ¼ bottle of water and quickly attach balloon to bottle top. 4. Time 3 minutes and tie off balloon.

5. Inflate balloon via mouth to same size as CO2 balloon. Tie off. 6. Measure diameter of each. Set aside until tomorrow.

Vocabulary 1.Motion2. Speed 3. Velocity4. acceleration 5. Force6. Newton (N) 7. Net force