With the participation of and supported by European financing opportunities for River contracts Galluccio Emiliano – Project manager – Consorzio Punto Europa
Europe 2020 priorities for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth TO6 protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency -Climate change + risk prevention and management - Environmental safeguard and promotion of efficient resourse management - LIFE - Horizon Interreg Europe - Med -Adrion …. ERDF EAFRD PON: risk management ITI: ERDF+ESF CLLD: LAGs
LIFE Programme: 3,5 Mld € 3rd pillar: Environment Policy & Governance - Protection and enhancement of environmental - Favour environmental governance and key actors participation General objective: to contribute to the implementation, updating and development of EU environmental and climate policy and legislation by co-financing projects with European added value. A LIFE project explores ways of managing environmental risks: from those associated with human activities (e.g. targeting industry and pollution reduction and control); to natural risks such as floods, forest fires and landslides. It can also focus on site rehabilitation and decontamination and on developing innovative methods/ technologies for risk assessment and monitoring. 3rd Pillar: societal challenges Action 5: Climate action, environment, Resource efficiency R&D on protecting the environment, sustainably managing of atural resources, water
European Territorial Cooperation is central to the construction of a common European space, and a cornerstone of European integration. It has clear European added value: helping to ensure that borders are not barriers, bringing Europeans closer together, helping to solve common problems, facilitating the sharing of ideas and assets, and encouraging strategic work towards common goals. Crossborder cooperation: 6,6Mld Transnational cooperation: 1,8 Mld Interregional Cooperation: 500 Mln
Environemt and resource efficiency policies provide opportunities for regioanl growth and job creation and can boost the attractiveness of a region Richness and fragility of natural resources Objective 2.1 Protection & enhancement of natural resources Objective 2.4: Prevention and fight against natural risks Priority Axe 2: sustainable region: OT6: safeguard environment OT2.1: promote,valorize and preserve environment as a growth element To improve the capacity of cities to manage sustainable urban policies and practices in an integrated and partecipative way 3 types of intervention. A) transnational exchange; B) capacity building; capitalisation &dissemination