The Arab Israeli Conflict 28-2
Key Questions Why was Israel founded? Why have Arab nations attacked Israel? What issues have made the Arab-Israeli conflict hard to solve?
The Founding of Israel After WWII many more Jews begin to migrate into the mandate of Palestine – Intent to create Jewish home state Arabs not happy about giving up land – “Why are we being punished for what happened to the Jews in Europe?” Britain can’t control situation turns mandate over to UN
The Founding of Israel Partition – 1947 UN recommends that Palestine be split in 2 Jewish State Arab State – Zionists accept plan, Arabs feel it is a violation of right to self-determination – Last British troops pull out in May 1948 – Jews immediately announce creation of Israel Supported by major world powers Seen as attempt for West to control Middle East by Arab Countries Arab Nations immediately declare war on Israel – Egypt – Jordan – Syria – Iraq – Lebanon Arabs lose and Israel takes half of land set up for Arab State and half of Jerusalem The rest is taken by Egypt and Jordan
The Founding of Israel Palestinian Refugees – 500,000 Arabs fled or were driven out of Palestine during and after the 1948 war – Most settle in refugee camps in nearby Arab Nations – Supposed to be temporary became permanent residences – Camps were not abandoned as a sign of resolve to regain Palestinian homeland.
Continued Conflict 3 more wars followed the 1948 war – Israel, Britain and France attack Egypt for nationalizing Suez Canal Israel occupies Sinai Peninsula, but withdraws – 1967-Arab-Israeli War(6 day war) Israel makes major territorial gains – Sinai Peninsula and Gaza Strip from Egypt – Golan Heights from Syria – West Bank form Jordan – East Jerusalem taken from Arabs – 1973-Yom-Kippur War Syria and Egypt strike to regain land lost in 6 day war Unsuccessful
Continued Conflict Superpower Involvement – Cold War fuels this conflict US backs Israel Soviets back Arab nations Neither side presses their ally to make peace
Continued Conflict The PLO – The key to lasting peace centered on fate of Palestinian Arabs Wanted self rule – Numbers growing in camps and occupied territories Occupied territories-lands seized in 6 day war – 1964 Palestinian Leaders form PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) Goal: reclaim Palestine and destroy Israel Begin Guerilla warfare against Israel Conflict spreads beyond Middle East – Terrorist attacks increase – US targeted for alliance with Israel – Training and funds provided by Syria, Iran and other Middle Eastern countries Israel responded by attacking areas that harbored PLO bases – Lebanon invaded in 1982 by Israel
Building a Nation The People of Israel – Small in Size (about size of New Jersey) – 90% live in urban areas along Mediterranean Coast – Many Jews immigrated after nation was declared Come from many diverse cultures – 2 main groups » Ashkenazim from Eastern and Central Europe Originally dominated government » Sephardim from Mediterranean and the Middle East Now in majority have increased influence in govt – 15% of country is non-Jews » Full political rights » Feel discriminated against in education and employment » Population growing (Concerns some Jewish Israelis
Building a Nation Economic Development – Mixed Economy – Faces issues of a lack of natural resources and water Combated by inventiveness and outside money – Have been able to irrigate Negev Desert – High technology industries at center of economy – Large Service economy as well – Still dependent on imports for many basic goods – Much of budget spent on Military for defense
The Struggle to Achieve Peace Arab neighbors won’t recognize Israel / Israel won’t recognize Palestinian State First Step – 1979 Egypt signs peace deal with Israel Arab nations condemn Egypt Palestinian Uprising – 1987 Intifada-The shaking Palestinians protest occupation with boycotts and violence Israel Responds with violence Leads to Palestinians joining underground armed groups (Hamas, Islamic Jihad)
The Struggle to Achieve Peace Difficult Issues – 1990’s new peace efforts begin Many issues separate the 2 sides – Status of occupied territories – Jewish Settlements in the occupied lands Oslo Accords – 1993 Israel and Palestine agree to peace negotiations PLO promised to stop attacking Israel Israel would give the Palestinians limited self rule
The Struggle to Achieve peace The Return to Violence – Peace talks stall and the Palestinians launch new protests 2 nd Intifada 2000 – Terrorists attack both military targets and civilians – Israel invades West Bank in 2002 to stop violence Unresolved Issues – Who gets Jerusalem? – Right of Return for Palestinians to Israel? – What happens to the Settlements?
Most Current -US currently recognizes Gaza Strip and West Bank as a unified country -During the Bush era Hamas gains majority of seats in Palestinian Parliamentary Elections -Fighting breaks out between Hamas and the former ruling party Fatah -Fatah takes Hamas Seats in parliament and Hamas seizes control of Gaza Strip -Gaza Strip currently blockaded