Let’s Investigate Energy! Start Investigating
What are the types of energy? Click the magnify glass to learn the types of energy
Investigate All The Types And Uses of Energy Mechanical Light (Radiant) Thermal Electrical Sound Quiz
Mechanical Energy Definition Uses Menu
Definition of Mechanical Energy Definition: the sum of kinetic and potential energy in an object that is used to do work. Mechanical Energy Menu
Uses of Mechanical Energy Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy of wind into mechanical energy. The mechanical energy of a bowling ball gives the ball the ability to apply a force to a bowling pin in order to cause the pin to be knocked over. Mechanical Energy Menu
Light (Radiant) Energy Definition Uses Menu
Definition of Light (Radiant) Energy Definition: Energy of electromagnetic waves Electromagnetic Wave: Energy from electric and magnetic forces that come together and induce an electric field around them. Light Energy Menu
Uses of Light (Radiant) Energy The sun produces light (radiant) energy to help plants grow by helping produce photosynthesis. Light (radiant) Energy is used during an x-ray. The energy is strong enough to see through skin but not bones. Light Energy Menu
Thermal Energy Definition Uses Menu
Definition of Thermal Energy Definition: energy that comes from the temperature of matter. The hotter the substance, the more the molecules vibrate, therefore the higher its thermal energy. Thermal Energy Menu
Uses of Thermal Energy If a stove is on and a pan of water is on top of it, the thermal energy from the stove makes the molecules in the pan move faster causing the pan and water to get hot. Thermal Energy is also in the Sun. If clothes are hung outside to dry, the sun uses thermal energy to speed up the molecules in the clothes, causing them to dry. Thermal Energy Menu
Electrical Energy Definition Uses Menu
Definition of Electrical Energy Definition: When electrons move from one atom to the other, with the use of magnetic forces. Electrical Energy Menu
Uses of Electrical Energy A battery transfers stored energy as charged particles called electrons, typically moving through a wire. Electrical energy is transferred to the surroundings by the lamp to make the lamp light up. Lightning is one good example of electrical energy in nature. It is very powerful. Thunderclouds build up large amounts of electrical energy. They are released during lightning when the clouds strike against each other. Electrical Energy Menu
Sound Energy Definition Uses Menu
Definition of Sound Energy Definition: The movement of energy through substances in longitudinal waves. Sound Energy Menu
Uses of Sound Energy A copier machine produces sound energy when the machine vibrates to make copies. A drumstick produces sound energy when it strikes a drumhead and cause it to vibrate. Sound Energy Menu
Let’s Test Your Skills! Start quiz
Question 1 The sum of what two energies are used in Mechanical Energy? Fast and Slow Kinetic and Potential Strong and Weak
Question 2 Which of these answer choices is an example of light (radiant) energy? X-rays Raindrops falling from a cloud Vibrations from a drum
Question 3 In thermal energy, the faster the molecules vibrate, the object gets. Colder Darker Hotter
Question 4 What kind of electric energy is one of the most powerful forms of electrical energy? Lightning Turning on a Lamp Flushing the Toilet
Question 5 What substances can sound energy wave vibrations move through in order to produce sound? Air, water, wood and metal Clothes and Dirt Rope and Grass Click the red sound button to get the answer!
The End
Citations energy.htmlhttp://examples.yourdictionary.com/examples-of-sound- energy.html energyhttp:// energy