Agriculture – industrial revolution Brynn Cameron, Justin Sanchez, Michelle Miller, Julia lubben
Famous People Jethro Tull An English agricultural farmer who was the inventor of the horse-drawn seed drill. Viscount Charles “Turnip” Townshend Discovered that shifting between different crops could keep soil fertility Robert Ransome Invented an iron plow
Key terms Enclosure movement- Practice of fencing or enclosing common lands into individual holdings. Crop Rotation- is the practice of growing a series of dissimilar/different types of crops in the same area in sequential seasons
Agriculture Agriculture is the most important factor in the enhancement of the industrial revolution because it let agriculturalists farm without having to consent the other villagers. A lot of tools were invented to improve the farming process
Advancements Farmers combined similar areas to farm together, making farms bigger and getting essentially getting rid of small farms Jethro Tull invented the seed drill, which made it easier because farmers didn’t have to drop seeds by hand, and it had more precise rows. An iron plow made of three parts so that repairing it would be cheaper. New machines were what changed agriculture during the revolution
Predictions The impact on great Britain was how the trade changed. The increase in products and trade made the country wealthier, there fore helping the economy. Agriculture also spread trade throughout the whole world because of the fast pace food was being produced Agriculture was the most important factor in the industrial revolution becaue it brought wealth, trade, new innovation
predictions The agricultural inventions such as the seed drill made it possible to mass produce foods . This helped Britain in world war I and world war II by helping Britain be a self sustaining country not relying on other countries. This revolution will help Britain become one of the most powerful nations to date.