BOWLING 6/9/20151
HISTORY There are many forms of bowling, with one of the most recent being tenpin bowling, also known as the norm. The first standardized rules were established in New York City, on September 9, Today, bowling is enjoyed by 95 million people in more than ninety countries worldwide and continues to grow through entertainment media such as video games for home consoles and handheld devices. 6/9/20152
BOWLING EQUIPMENT Ball Shoes Bags 6/9/20153
HOW TO PLAY Bowling is an individual sport. One can play on his/her own or against other competitors. Play begins with a person rolling, or “bowling,” the ball down a lane. The game consists of ten frames. The bowler has two chances to knock down the pins in each frame. When keeping score, bonus points are awarded: the next 2 balls (for a strike) or 1 ball (for a spare). If the bowler knocks down all pins in the 10th frame with one roll (strike), the bowler gets 2 more rolls. If the bowler knocks down all pins in the 10th frame with two rolls (spare), the bowler gets 1 more roll. A perfect game is 12 strikes with a maximum score of 300 points. 6/9/20154
BOWLING SAFETY In a regulation game of bowling, bowlers must wear proper bowling shoes and bowling attire (comfortable movable clothes). A bowler needs to be aware of his/her surroundings, making sure he/she is the only one in the bowling lane. Bowlers must choose a ball of proper weight. It should be something the bowler can control when rolling and should fit his/her fingers comfortably. Bowlers must stay behind the foul line when rolling the ball. Bowlers should keep hands clear of the return ball mechanism until all balls have come to a complete stop. 6/9/20155
GUTTER BALL A ball rolled in the gutter when no pins are knocked down 6/9/20156
TURKEY 3 strikes bowled in a row 6/9/20157
Hold the Ball/Grip “Hook’em Horns” 6/9/20158
APPROACH The area where bowlers start the bowling action 6/9/20159
FOUR-STEP DELIVERY APPROACH The basic beginning approach to bowling consisting of the stance, push-away, approach, swing, and follow-through FOUR STEP APPROACH VIDEO 6/9/201510
FOUL When a bowler’s foot crosses over the foul line 6/9/201511
FRAME Each bowler’s individual turn, consisting of 2 balls or 1 ball in a case of a strike; 10 frames constitute a game Find template at: templates/Bowling_Score_Sheet_3x6_black.pdfhttp:// templates/Bowling_Score_Sheet_3x6_black.pdf 6/9/201512
SPARE Term used for knocking down all 10 pins using 2 balls in a frame STRIKE Term used for knocking over all of the pins using 1 ball in a frame 6/9/201513
TARGET ARROWS Arrows used for a bowler to line up his/her shot 6/9/201514