* Start coding sooner – Procrastination * Write the documents for later use, not to “just get it done” * Very little code reuse, many people solving the same problems * When Alex decided the scheduler had to be restarted, we should have redesigned the scheduler, and split the tasks.
* Bad choice of tools (Java EE 6) * Didn’t consider a realistic deployment * Modular code * Better communication between members – don’t just communicate when you absolutely have to
* Inefficient meetings * When we decided on a tool though, everyone should have committed to learning it * Don’t just assume everyone is going to get their part done * Prioritizing tasks
* Don’t be afraid to search for open source solutions * Better communication between the development and testing groups – tell problems as they find them * Integrate earlier and test all components ahead of time * Unit test
* Problem with the scheduler – Make a unanimous educated decision… don’t have 4 people say “Doesn’t matter to me” and have one person declare some “perfect, idealistic solution” * Do the main task first. For scheduling, get something that schedules stupidly first (say, for instance, randomly). Then slowly add your educated decision making to it. * Don’t take 18 credits when taking this class * When you write general tools for everyone to use, actually teach people how to use it.